What students say about Revel Programming Python, University of Tromsø, Norway

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We asked the students at the University of Tromsø, Norway, who use Revel® as part of their course (Introduction to Python Programming) what they think of the interactive learning platform. 

According to the educator, Frode Nasje, the students are encouraged to have the freedom and independence to use Revel as they like during the course. 

Before adopting Revel, Frode had to create his own tests as part of the mandatory requirements for the exam. Now, he can also assign online programming tasks and exercises, which might be optional but still allow him to check student progress and understanding. 

What students say about using Revel in their studying for Python Programming

As a result of using Revel, most of the students agreed they feel better prepared coming to class. Their confidence and understanding of the topics have also grown, and they have developed a more independent way of studying because of using the self-study tools Revel offers.

In terms of assessment, most students now feel more confident to take tests and quizzes with the help of Revel’s self-assessment and instant feedback features.

Read the full report

The students use the course material Revel® for Liang: Introduction to Python Programming and Data Structures, 1/e. You can find the latest, 3rd edition of the textbook is available in our online catalogue in Print, eBook and Revel® formats, and request your free sample copy today.  

Revel® is active learning reimagined.