How learning through digital platforms supercharges student engagement in psychology

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Marcia O'Grady
VP Product Management, Higher Education International

Illustrating complex psychology concepts has without question been made easier by digital learning tools. And, as universities begin to embrace these resources as standard modes of learning, we consider how educators could reap the biggest rewards from this digital transformation.


Engaging a generation of students deeply immersed in constantly evolving technologies is becoming even more challenging. And with students’ prior digital learning experiences significantly influencing their approach to learning and overall engagement - both within and outside the classroom - teaching methods need to constantly adapt to meet students where they are.

 Yet, when developed on a foundation of robust learning science, the impact that digitally enhanced learning can have on student engagement and outcomes is clearly visible.

Harnessing the best learning strategies: Active participation  

Digital learning tools built upon solid learning design empower educators to enhance the overall learning experience. Multimedia content such as videos, simulations, and animations, are most effective when strategically incorporated throughout learning content. Similarly, integrating meaningful content alongside formative assessment opportunities can facilitate the comprehension of complex psychology concepts.


Empowering progress: Instant feedback

The impact of a seamless, scaffolded learning journey is amplified further when digital platforms enable educators and students to receive instant feedback on regular assessment opportunities, such as assignments, quizzes, tests and more. This feedback loop enhances learning, identifies areas for improvement, and boosts student motivation and confidence. Having the ability to monitor individual and class performance in real time also enables educators to offer more tailored support as and when needed.


Embracing individual learning paths: Personalise and engage

Customisable functionality that allows educators to create bespoke learning paths can prevent students from feeling overwhelmed or disengaged and help them master fundamental concepts before tackling advanced material.


Learning anytime, anywhere: Accessibility and flexibility

With today’s students seeking solutions that are accessible anytime, anywhere, providing learning materials in formats and on devices that cater to these needs is key to student engagement. From course reading, to audio andvisual content, and practice enabling diverse learning methods  ensures every student can engage with the course content in the way they thrive.


Cementing difficult concepts: immersive learning

The complexity of real-world Psychology concepts can often prove challenging to students. Effective digital support should strive to simplify these concepts and transform the learning experience. Through tools such as simulations, case studies, or surveys, students can immerse themselves in these concepts, making them easier to grasp and apply to real-life situations.  


Unlocking insights: Data-driven success

Educators should be able to get easy access to comprehensive data - including analytics that encompasses performance across multiple assessments and engagement with assigned readings. This data can empowercourse leaders to pinpoint areas where students require additional support and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. It also allows educators to identify struggling students early and offer timely interventions to enhance student success.


Taking digital to the next level: Solutions from Pearson  

Implementing a successful interactive learning experience may require a reshaping or rethinking of teaching tools; and help is available to make this a simpler process.  


Revel® is active learning reimagined

Pearson’s Revel for Psychology is an educator’s ally and student’s companion. It supports students outside the classroom by helping foster a deeper engagement in course content and assignments, leading to a greater understanding of the subject and its application.

Revel replicates the engaging classroom experience that you create, by encouraging active participation in out-of-class reading, practice and assessment. With Revel, you and your colleagues can actively monitor, review and improve student engagement and performance.


Rev up the learning journey with Revel!

Unlock the power of Revel today! Explore the power of this unique platform with a member of our expert support team.

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