Higher education blog

Read our blog to explore ideas in teaching and learning. Students' first assignments often signal where skills and prior learning are wanting. But acknowledging the extent of these gaps and catering for the learning styles of all students can lead to more proactive approaches to addressing the problem.

  • Bored student sleeping in lecture

    How to bring life back to lectures

    A 1984 New York Times survey on social anxiety placed death third in the list of people's biggest fears. The top two responses were walking into a room full of strangers and speaking in public. Educators face those fears every day.

  • How to increase engagement in first year economics courses

    Principles of economics is often taught in large cohorts, with students of mixed ability, including non-specialists. John Sloman, Jon Guest and Dean Garratt explore how to maximise engagement and employability in challenging first year modules.

  • Learning through play in HE

    We have been learning through play from infancy. Discover how lecturers in business and law use simulations to increase understanding and employability.

  • Three ways to make a great 2018 strategy

    January is a popular time to review and prepare for the future, but how do you set ambitious yet achievable objectives? How do you plan in a time of uncertainty? How do you bring your team along with you?

  • Designing online courses: what do learners value?

    It's tempting to get carried away with online course design, creating multimedia content for every page, multiple choice to accompany each learning objective... but what do learners actually value?

  • What does chocolate have to do with it?

    Understanding what motivates us should be of paramount importance to learning designers, as it allows us to better align our work to how people learn.