Higher education blog

Read our blog to explore ideas in teaching and learning.

  • Student belonging – the four foundations

    Over the last year, together with our partners at Wonkhe, and with the help of 15 students’ unions, we’ve explored the concept of student belonging. We surveyed 5,233 students and 430 staff, and analysed over 240 monthly diary entries from anonymous student participants, multiple student focus groups, and 52 projects by sector colleagues from across UK universities.

  • Belonging – what makes it and breaks it?

    The link between belonging and student success is well established. A sense of belonging was strongly associated with both academic and social engagement at university a decade ago as part of the Higher Education Academy’s “What works?” programme. In fact, it was stated as the key variable in whether students persist with their studies and are successful. This “sense of belonging” while at university can make or break students’ overall experience and their success.

  • Camera use online – the dos and don’ts

    I recently delivered a training session on supporting teaching online where, throughout the session, none of the participants turned on their webcams. I finished the session feeling that I had been talking to myself for an hour and questioning the value of delivering the session live versus recording something for the participants to watch instead. This may be a familiar experience for many who have been teaching remotely over the last year or more.

  • Image by Christof Van Der Walt

    What could a blend of assessment types look like?

    What could a blend of assessment types in higher education look like?

    Assessment isn’t just about final outcomes. It’s the golden thread that runs through and underpins the university experience and how it’s handled affects so much more than results – it impacts on student satisfaction, retention, even mental health.