Higher education blog

Read our blog to explore ideas in teaching and learning. Students' first assignments often signal where skills and prior learning are wanting. But acknowledging the extent of these gaps and catering for the learning styles of all students can lead to more proactive approaches to addressing the problem.

  • On digital literacy

    Do we need to focus on '€˜digital literacy' as a skill set for students at university? Or do they outstrip their tutors?

  • Ten easy study techniques

    Should we go back to basic study skills before focusing on higher-order skills like critical thinking?

  • Not reading, but doing

    "Students don't read enough" is a common complaint from lecturers. But does reading equal learning? It depends what we do when we read.

  • It's not about tech; it's about teaching

    It's not about tech; it's about teaching. And that summed up the key messages from the BETT conference this year, surprisingly, from technology-centric PC World.

  • Feeling motivated in March?

    It's probably no surprise to you that one big headache for lecturers is how to engage students, particularly with increasing class sizes. That's what we heard from academics at Pearson's Conference this year.