If you deliver Pearson’s General Qualifications, you will have heard from us regarding the General Qualifications consultation response from DfE and Ofqual regarding contingency arrangements in the event that A-Level or GCSE examinations are cancelled in summer 2022, due to Covid-19.
In light of the above, we wanted to remind VQ centres of the relevant Vocational Qualification contingency arrangements, already in place, should examinations, or other assessments be cancelled or impacted.
Adaptations: DfE and Ofqual consulted on arrangements for awarding VTQs in 2021/22, with outcomes noted in August. (This permitted for Awarding Organisations to continue to adapt assessments in 2021/22). You can find our permitted adaptations for all learners due to be assessed in 2021/22 on our Teaching and Learning page – please note that adaptations are currently only permitted for this academic year.
Contingencies in the event that examinations are cancelled or there is widespread disruption: DfE issued contingency guidance in Autumn 2021 following the above consultation outcome. This document outlines the arrangements that could be put in place if examinations and other assessments are no longer viable:
- TAGs being reintroduced for qualifications most similar to GQs
- Delayed assessment for competence-based qualifications
- Continued assessment with adaptations such as remote assessment for qualifications with mixed purpose (i.e. for FSQs)
The use of Teacher Assessed Grades: As you will be aware, although Teacher Assessed Grades are not currently permitted, and all teaching learning and assessment planned for 2021/22 should be taking place, Ofqual’s Vocational Contingency Regulatory Framework (VCRF) would be used to switch to Teacher Assessed Grades should these be required, i.e. in the event of widescale disruption or examination cancellation. We will of course keep you updated with any decisions relating to this, and any additional guidance that is released to support centres should it be deemed necessary to return to Teacher Assessed Grades.
Standards setting in 2021/22: On 30 September 2021, Dr Jo Saxton (Ofqual) wrote:
“Our regulatory framework requires awarding organisations to secure, as far as it is possible, that VTQ learners are not disadvantaged nor advantaged compared with their GCSE and A level peers. To do this we expect them to take account of the approach for GCSEs and A levels when setting standards in their own qualifications.”
With the above in mind, we continue to review GCSE and A Level information and guidance relating to adaptations, contingency planning and standards setting. We will continue to update you on how we intend to achieve alignment, where relevant, to ensure that all learners can progress with confidence this year.