As set out in our guidance, the timelines for the Q-TAG External Quality Assurance will run from Q-TAG submission through to 16 July. In exceptional circumstances this may run until 24 July. (Please note: Licence to Practice qualifications are excluded from this update. We will contact centres that deliver these qualifications separately.)
We outlined in last week’s Bulletin the rationale for evidence sampling and the criteria for centre selection for External Quality Assurance checks, which we would encourage you to review if you missed it. We wanted to use this week’s update to give you more information about the sampling and review process.
What happens if my centre is selected?
If your centre is selected, then we will request you provide a sample of evidence that supports the grades you have submitted. The sampling of evidence will take place at programme level. You will receive an automated message requesting the following information to be shared with us digitally for each programme selected:
- a summary of the approach undertaken to award Q-TAG grades and the internal quality assurance processes*
- information to support the results profile, e.g. in comparison to past performance*
- Samples of evidence used to inform the Q-TAG judgement for at least five learners.
*if your centre has used this template or cover sheet as part of the process, then this information is covered here. If you have not used these, please ensure the questions are covered in your own documentation.
New - Submission of Evidence
You will need to submit digital evidence to us using the Q-TAG Portal, which as you know is accessed via EOL. A new option will be available called ‘sample upload’ (see image below) if your centre is selected.
We are creating a user guide to support you with the uploading of evidence which will be available shortly.
Please note although there are no restrictions on file sizes you can upload, you should make sure you have a good internet connection if you are sending large files.
To ensure that the process is manageable, a maximum of three programmes will be reviewed at an individual centre.
New - Further details on sampling
- Not all Centres will be selected
- Centres will be made aware if they have been selected for Q-TAG sampling as soon as possible post-submission of the Head of Centre Declaration. We expect that centres who have submitted their Q-TAGs on time will be notified no later than 25 June**
- Centres will be asked to submit three pieces of evidence that exemplify and support the Q-TAG for each of the selected learners
- Five learners will be selected by Pearson for each programme selected
- A maximum of three programmes across two sectors will be selected
- Centres are requested to submit evidence as soon as possible, and within 48 hours of our request.
**Please note, the sampling of Q-TAGs is one element of the overall BTEC QA process and, as in normal years, there may be exceptional circumstances where we might need to contact you after 25 June, e.g. malpractice cases. Therefore, we ask that, wherever possible, you make arrangements for an appropriate member of staff to be available to assist with any queries which may arise after this date. We will look to the flagged 'Point of Contact' in EOL.
New - Permitted types of evidence
To ensure the process is as manageable as possible, for each learner selected for sampling as part of this external quality assurance process, you will need to select three pieces of evidence, which are most representative and indicative of the Q-TAG judgement submitted for the individual learner. It is anticipated that the evidence selected might be different for each learner, but there is no requirement for it to be.
Appropriate evidence will be examples of actual learner performance, and could come from the range of supporting evidence previously advised in our guidance. These might include:
- complete or partially complete internal assessment(s) that have not already been reviewed by Pearson
- complete or partially complete mock or practice external assessment(s)
- class or homework task(s) where authenticity has been assured
- video evidence of practical task(s)
- project work
- evidence from work experience (where relevant to the qualification) etc.
The following evidence would not be appropriate and/or expected to form part of this sample:
- any copies of external assessment submissions that have already been marked or moderated by Pearson
- Banked ‘CAG’ results from 2020 in themselves (though these can be used as part of the range of evidence from which centres will use to determine a Q-TAG, it is important that the final holistic judgement of a learner’s grade can be substantiated through evidence of actual learner performance.)
- standalone observation records and witness testimonies etc.
Where possible, the selected evidence will provide some breadth of coverage in relation to the intended programme of study.
The evidence you provide will need to be submitted digitally. Where the work is not currently available digitally, you should scan or photograph learner evidence into an appropriate format, such as a pdf.
New - Q-TAG Reviewer process
The review will take place in three steps:
- Our trained sector-expert Reviewers will review your submission, paying close attention to your explanation of how you have:
- followed the process set out by Pearson
- used the performance indicators and data checks
- internally verified the Q-TAG judgements.
- The Reviewer will review the learner performance evidence submitted in support of your Q-TAG judgements.
- The Reviewer will complete a report appraising the evidence provided. If the evidence provided sufficiently indicates reasonable judgements have been made, no further action will be taken. If the evidence provided indicates that Q-TAGs are unreasonable, further information or discussion with the centre may be needed until resolved.
If we are not able to satisfactorily complete Quality Assurance of the Q-TAGs submitted, we are required to withhold results until assurances can be given.