From BTEC to a degree in Forensic Science and Molecular Biology
We recently spoke to Henry, who is currently in his third year of a Forensic Science and Molecular Biology degree at The University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). Henry tells us about his degree course, the aspects of it he finds fascinating, and how a BTEC in Applied Science helped him get there.
Can you give us a brief introduction of
yourself, including the degree programme you are currently studying, which year
you are in, and which BTEC level 3 qualification you completed?
My name is Henry Wildgoose, I am a Forensic Science and
Molecular Biology student at the University of Central Lancashire. I am currently
in my 3rd year out of a total of four, and I completed the Applied
Science double BTEC level 3 qualification.
In your degree programme so far, which have
been the most intriguing and thought-provoking aspects?
Throughout my degree, I have studied medicine, genetics,
chemistry and forensic practices, the most intriguing and thought-provoking
aspects of the areas I have covered would be the sheer volume of specialties.
Each module has brought to my attention the niche areas that one can specialize
in, from one evidence type to one tissue type.
In what ways do you feel the BTEC level 3
qualification prepared you for your future studies?
My BTEC level 3 qualification helped me prepare for my
current studies by giving me a wide understanding of applied sciences, creating
the foundation that I build on today. Helping me realize how intertwined each
scientific study is, within chemistry, biology and physics.
What would you like your next progression
steps to be?
My next progression steps within my degree and masters is
to complete each assignment to a high, excellent level, and leave the
University of Central Lancashire with a First in my studies. There I will aim
for my career aspirations.
What are your career aspirations and goals?
My career aspirations and goals are work my way up
through my NHS Covid-19 medical grade laboratory, after obtaining my degree and
masters I have my target set for a high band level position in a molecular
biology laboratory. From there I will gain experience and hope to run a
laboratory myself, under the NHS or a private company.
What achievement are you most proud of in
your science career so far?
My most proud
achievement was putting my scientific knowledge to good use with the NHS LAMP
testing center and help keep NHS tested and safe. I am also proud of the other
MLA scientists who have helped out as well, to keep the UK safe.