When to speak to us about your HTQ submission
Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are new qualifications which require approval from the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (IfATE). Pearson, as well as other institutions in England, submit qualifications to IfATE in cycles: the first focused on digital subjects and our HND in Computing (2022) was awarded HTQ status in that round.
Higher education providers with and without validating powers can be involved in the approval and delivery of Higher Technical Qualifications. We’ve outlined some of the ways institutions can engage with us in this article, and the consent grid document.
HTQ submissions made by Pearson
We are excited to be developing and submitting a number of Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) to the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (IfATE). BTEC Higher Nationals have a long history of working with industry to create qualification that meet employers’ needs. HTQs are similar in a way that they are mapped against the occupational standards.
Once approved, Pearson's HTQs will be made available to all eligible higher education providers in England, meaning that Pearson-approved providers in England can use the Pearson HTQs in the same way as standard Pearson Higher Nationals.
We have already received HTQ kitemark for several qualifications in Digital, Construction, Healthcare and Sport sectors and are also awaiting decisions about our recent submissions for Engineering and Business and Administration sectors
Higher Education institutions without validating powers and FE centres can seek approval from Pearson to deliver these qualifications
HEIs with validating powers to contact Licensed HN team on licenseHN@pearson.com
For further information on our approved Higher Technical Qualifications, click here
Co-designed Higher Technical Qualifications
We are committed to ensuring that our qualifications meet skills needs and actively work in partnership with providers and employers to achieve this. This is how all our HTQ Higher Nationals are being developed.
Providers without validating powers can also choose to work with Pearson to co-design a Higher National HTQ, for submission by Pearson, which meets their local needs.
Alternatively, they can work with a licensed HEI. However, the HEI will need advance consent from Pearson prior to submission.
Licensed Higher Technical qualifications
We also offer higher education institutions with validating powers, the opportunity to validate, deliver and award their own Higher National Diplomas and Certificates under licence and use the Pearson Trademark 'Higher National’.
Higher Technical Qualifications from Pearson, at the core, are still BTEC Higher Nationals, therefore institutions can seek to use our licence agreement for HTQs.
HE providers with validating powers wishing to submit Higher Nationals under licence from Pearson for HTQ approval, will require advance consent from Pearson to use the ‘Higher National’ Trademark(s) and Pearson's agreement on the titles of the qualifications.
For further information on Licensed HTQs, please see our FAQs