BTEC blog

  • Five of the best marketing campaigns during COVID-19

    You’ve only got to glance at your inbox to see how many marketing departments have published an 'in these unprecedented times' content piece since March. And you were probably bored of them by the end of lockdown week one. But not all marketers have fallen back on such safe and predictable messaging during the pandemic.

  • Five of the best marketing campaigns during COVID-19

    You’ve only got to glance at your inbox to see how many marketing departments have published an 'in these unprecedented times' content piece since March. And you were probably bored of them by the end of lockdown week one. But not all marketers have fallen back on such safe and predictable messaging during the pandemic.

  • BTEC Music

    Harnessing creativity with BTEC Music

    Katie Tarrant always loved music and knew it would be the focus of her career. Katie knew studying a BTEC in Advanced Music Performance would set her on the right path, and she now works as a Sound Designer and Musician in the video game industry.

    Find out more about her experience studying a BTEC in Music and how it has helped her in her dream job.

  • Person jumping over a gap, digital effect

    How to prevent the pinch of the digital skills gap

    The skills shortage in the Digital sector has been forecasted by various business moguls and, as we swiftly approach 2020, we’re beginning to feel the pinch of the reality of this skills gap.

  • Sport participants high-fiving

    Sport isn't only about exercise

    I know it sounds like a strange thing to say - of course participating in any sporting activity or event is, usually, partaking in exercise. But I believe that exercise is just the start of a long list of reasons as to why everyone — young children, teenagers and adults alike — should regularly take part in sports. On 25 September, we’ll be celebrating National Fitness Day across the country. It’s really important for both young people and adults to have a healthy relationship with sport and fitness.

  • Choose your path

    The power of choice in further education

    Choice is in vogue. In any area of life, there are many options you can take, each with their own pros and cons — and the variety only seems to be growing.