
Pearson LearningHub provides high quality bite-sized and mobile-optimised learning content mapped to apprenticeship standards. The content is designed to deliver an engaging experience for learners.

LearningHub provides high quality bite-sized and mobile-optimised learning content mapped to apprenticeship standards, qualifications and behaviours supporting continuous professional development. The content has been developed in partnership with Skill Pill, a market leading digital content expert, and is designed to enable self-directed learning that is engaging, immersive and allows for increased retention rates.

The learning resources available in Pearson LearningHub includes:

  • Animated videos exemplifying key concepts
  • Infographics with images and text to engage learners
  • Interactive visual storyboarding
  • Interactive quizzes with instant feedback
  • Support templates and interactive worksheets

Take a look at our sample content

Why choose Pearson LearningHub?

With many years’ experience in designing and developing learning content and assessment, you can trust Pearson to deliver high quality content that is fully aligned to your curriculum and provides a solid foundation for an engaging and effective learning experience.

Pearson LearningHub

The first apprenticeship standards that will be available on the Pearson LearningHub are:

  • Team Leader / Supervisor Level 3
  • Adult Care Worker Level 2
  • Lead Adult Care Worker Level 3
  • Business Administrator Level 3
  • Customer Service Level 2 and 3.

This learning content can support other career focused learning.

Pearson LearningHub Behaviours Content
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Pearson LearningHub