Engineers use science, maths and technology to solve practical problems.

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Career maps

Refer to these useful charts that explains the different sorts of jobs in the engineering sector and what qualifications are required for each role.

Engineering - Progression routes

Engineering - career options


Future careers

  • Advances in technology mean that employers will continue to need engineers and technicians with high-level skills.
  • Areas of growth include sustainable energy, cyber security and medical technologies. High-performance engineering, which is needed by companies like Rolls Royce and Boeing, is continuing to grow in the UK.

Things to consider

Things you may need to know:

  • Engineers need to be great at problem-solving, creative thinking, understanding scientific principles and communicating with others.
  • Don’t assume that all engineers do the same thing. There can be big differences between the various branches of engineering.
  • You might have the opportunity to travel around the UK and even overseas as an engineer.

Useful links

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Tomorrow's Engineers

Information and resources on careers in engineering


All you need to know about careers in chemical engineering