The construction industry is all about making and building. Homes, business premises, hospitals, schools, roads and bridges all need to be designed, built and maintained. 

Jobs are available at all levels, with a range of salaries to match. Think about how long you want to study for and how hands-on you want your work to be. Job roles include bricklayers and demolition operatives, specialist roles like thatchers and stonemasons, and surveyors, civil engineers and architects. You don't always need a degree. If you have talent and work hard, you can get the right skills and experience.

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Career maps

Refer to these useful charts that explains the different sorts of jobs in the construction sector and what qualifications are required for each role.

Construction Civil Engineering
Construction Supervision and Management
Construction Professional



Future careers

The construction industry is working hard to reduce waste and cut down on the energy it uses. This means that jobs within the industry are changing. Nowadays, roofers might also learn how to fit solar panels, while plumbers learn about installing heat pumps. Large construction companies may need specialist staff for advice on sustainable building. As a result, you’ll find green building on the curriculum of most construction courses.

Things to consider

Things you may need to know:

  • The construction industry relies on teamwork and people working together.
  • Construction work is usually organised as projects, for example the building of a new skyscraper like the Shard in London or a new housing development.
  • Health and safety are essential in this industry, so you will need to follow strict safety procedures and wear protective clothing.

Useful links

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The Construction Industry Training Board