Education covers teaching, education support, childcare and research. Jobs are usually based in nurseries, schools, colleges, training providers and universities. 

For jobs in teaching, education support and childcare, you will need to be interested in motivating children and young people to develop their skills and understanding for future success. Research involves gathering information about a particular topic, analysing it and then writing up reports. Research projects are often carried out by people working towards their PhD (a higher degree). Companies and universities usually offer research roles. 

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Skills and qualities needed

  • Education: enthusiastic about learning, working with others, patience, manage challenging behaviour, creativity
  • Research: enquiring mind, attention to detail, write reports, patience, numerical skills.

Career areas


Taking care of young children from birth to 5+, helping them to play, learn and develop.

Educational support services

Supporting education but not doing the teaching, for example as a secretary, lab technician, teaching assistant, counsellor or librarian.


Gathering information about a topic, then analysing it to solve problems or explain trends and events.


Preparing lessons, teaching learners and assessing their work in schools, further education colleges, training centres and universities.

Useful links

Pearson is not responsible for content on external websites.

Times Educational Supplement

Department for Education

Research Councils UK