An employer gives a flavour of what it's like to work at a theatre company.

What does your company do?

We are a community theatre company. We offer:

  • drama workshops
  • qualifications in inclusive theatre studies
  • professional production
  • outreach to schools and wider community.

How many people do you employ?


What types of roles do you offer?

We offer a wide range of roles in the following areas:

  • artistic performance
  • teaching and mentoring
  • facilitating groups
  • technical and production management
  • backstage, wardrobe and stage management
  • directing
  • composing
  • admin/support
  • human resources
  • sales and marketing
  • fundraising
  • building management and supervision
  • box office and front of house
  • press and publicity
  • co-ordination of volunteers.

Do you have to be qualified in a specific area or subject to work for the company?

Some roles require specific skills and qualifications, for example a sound technician or a stage manager.

An interest in inclusive theatre and enthusiasm is encouraged for most roles

What’s next for your business?

Advances in technology will be the 'next big thing' for us.

Music technology will change the way musicians compose and perform music. Sound and lighting effects will become more sophisticated as audiences expect more.

More case studies

It is a job in which you think up then make and deliver the whole creative process. There is room for creativity, coming up with the idea, developing it and then making it happen and seeing the outcome...

Cara Pritchard, creative projects manager for a regional theatre