Careers in creative and media include performing, writing, designing and creating.

You could work in TV and radio, on stage or behind the scenes. You could produce books, magazines and websites. Or create art and other objects. Competition is fierce. Many people start out working for free to get the experience that employers are looking for. If you are creative or artistic, enjoy performing, producing things, writing or designing, a career in creative and media could be for you. Talent is important if you want to work in this area, but hard work is essential.

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Skills and qualities needed

  • Arts, crafts and design: creativity, talent, an eye for colour or materials. Do you enjoy being creative?
  • Broadcasting and journalism: confidence, enquiring mind, meeting deadlines. Are you good at solving problems?
  • Performing arts: confidence, creativity, performing talent, can take criticism. Would you enjoy this environment?
  • Publishing: creative writing skills, attention to detail, written English. Are you good at expressing yourself and talking to others?

Career areas

Arts, crafts and design

Designing and creating objects, drawing, sculpture, graphic design and much more.

Broadcasting and journalism

Local, national and international news, TV and radio. Also media online.


Finding and working with authors, writing, editing and selling books and magazines, in print and online.

Performing arts

Singing, dancing, acting or playing music in all situations. Also work behind the scenes on costumes and sets or front-of-house.

Useful links

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Creative and Cultural Skills

In the Creative Choices section you'll find help and advice for your creative career. 

Creative Skillset

Information on working in creative and media