For jobs at management level, employers are interested in your skills, track record and industry knowledge.

You will need to have the ability to motivate and lead a team. You will also need good awareness of business and budgeting.

Case study

The challenge is to fit our long term projects in alongside the day to day chaos of communicating to 13 halls of residences with over 3,000 students.

Sally Day, marketing and communications manager at the University of Arts, London

Example jobs

Account executive
Liaising between the client and the advertising agency.

Account planner
Analysing what is happening in the market place.

Advertising copywriter
Providing the words for adverts.

Things you need to know

Typical working conditions

Many advertising and marketing and sales jobs at this level are office-based.

There may be work available overseas and languages may be useful.

Working to deadlines can be stressful.

Qualifications needed

A levels or level 3 qualifications in business related subjects might be helpful. You could study for a Professional Certificate in Marketing Communications, awarded by CIM. The course is available on a full-time, part-time or distance-learning basis. Intensive courses are also available.

Apprenticeships in advertising, sales and marketing at level 3 are available.

Career path

With experience and qualifications, it is possible to progress to more senior management jobs, such as regional or area manager or general manager.

The more you move up the ladder the higher the bonuses will be, and there are a wide range of salaries at this level.

With experience, you could be promoted to account director, then marketing director. You could also choose to become a freelance marketing consultant or set up your own consultancy.

Useful links

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Managing & Marketing Sales Association (MAMSA)

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)