Jobs in conservation and environment are all about protecting the natural environment.

They include managing our landscapes, habitats, species and access to the countryside. You might choose to work on issues such as climate change or biodiversity. Jobs can be practical, technical or scientific. As well as good qualifications, you’ll also need some voluntary or work experience to gain some of the skills that will help you to get a job.

Skills match quiz

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Career maps

Refer to these useful charts that explains the different sorts of jobs in the conservation and environment sector and what qualifications are required for each role.


Forestry and Arboriculture


Employer case study

Charlotte Corney, Isle of Wight Zoo

"Competition is very high for animal care positions, with most zoos receiving many more applications than they have vacancies..."

Future careers

New jobs in this area of work are emerging all the time. Examples include sustainability officer, energy officer, renewable energy consultant, natural resource specialist, carbon analyst, energy efficiency officer and energy economist. There is currently a shortage of plant pathologists who deal with plant diseases that are a threat to the environment.

Things to consider

Things you may need to know:

  • Get as much voluntary experience as you can.
  • Make lots of contacts in your area of interest.
  • Find out what opportunities are available in your local area.

Useful links

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Portal for conservation career information

The Conservation Volunteers 

The community volunteering charity


Information, training and support for the land-based and environmental sector