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Mindfulness - keeping calm during difficulty
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  • Autism conversation


    In the UK, the average age of an autism diagnosis is four years old. There are many factors that affect when someone is given a diagnosis one of which is gender. Females – on average – are diagnosed later than males. This is not taking into account the emerging realisation that autistic people are more likely to be transgender as is becoming clear. 

  • Happy children

    Language acquisition with ASD

    Language acquisition is at the heart of children’s psychological development. Learning words underpins children’s ability to communicate with others and navigate the social world. However, word learning can be severely impacted by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

  • Dyslexia conversation

    Embracing the differences of the dyslexic mind

    As parents we want everything for our children. We want them to be creative and original thinkers, but, although we may know it’s not the be-all and end-all, we also want our children to make linear progress across the board and have no bumps in their life’s road.