Water Resources Engineering, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 14, 2001) © 2002

  • Ralph A. Wurbs Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
  • Wesley P. James

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For a basic course in water resources engineering. Also appropriate for more advanced undergraduate and graduate courses and as a reference for practicing engineers.

Designed to provide a broad coverage of pertinent topics concerning water resource engineering, this text focuses on fundamental topics of hydraulics, hydrology, and water management. Water resources engineering concepts and methods are addressed from the perspective of practical applications in water management and associated environmental and infrastructure management. The focus is on mathematical modeling and analysis using state-of-the-art computational techniques and computer software. The text is written to easily adapt to the spectrum of ways that individual courses and sequences of undergraduate and graduate courses are organized at various universities, providing flexibility for the instructor.

  • Focus on professional practice.
    • Prepares students for professional practice in a field with unlimited challenges and opportunities for serving society.

  • Comprehensive coverage of fundamental concepts and techniques—Provides the foundation for water resources engineering.
    • Provides the fundamentals to prepare students for life-long learning.

  • Focus on modern computer-based modeling and analysis methods.
    • Illustrates recent advances in computer technology and computational methods that have greatly increased capabilities for solving water resources engineering problems.

  • Numerous carefully prepared example and homework problems.
    • Provides students with ample opportunity to learn the material.

  • Numerous figures—Illustrate the material.
    • Provides students with drawings and schematics that greatly aid in comprehending the material.

1. Introduction.

Water Resources Engineering Disciplines. Water Management Sectors. The Water Management Community. Computer Models in Water Resources Engineering. Units of Measure.

2. Hydrology.

Water. Hydroclimatology. Atmospheric Processes. Precipitation. Evaporation and Transpiration. Units of Measure for Depth, Area, Volume, and Volumetric Rates. Watershed Hydrology and Streamflow. Subsurface Water. Erosion and Sedimentation. Water Quality. Climatic, Hydrologic, and Water Quality Data.

3. Fluid Mechanics.

Units. Properties of Water. Statics. Reynolds Transport Theorem. Dimensional Analysis. Water Flow in Pipes. Open Channel Flow. Groundwater.

4. Hydraulics of Pipelines and Pipe Networks.

Steady Flow. Unsteady Flow.

5. Open Channel Hydraulics.

Uniform Flow. Gradually Varied Steady Flow. Rapidly Varied Flow. Unsteady Flow.

6. Flood Routing.

Hydrologic Routing. Kinematic Routing. Hydraulic Stream Routing. Dam Break Analysis. Overland Flow and Channel Routing.

7. Hydrologic Frequency Analysis.

Hydrologic Random Variables and Data. Probability Relationships. Binomial Distribution and Risk Formula. Empirical Relative Frequency Relations. Analytical Probability Distributions. Frequency Graphs. Bulletin 17B Flood Frequency Analysis Methodologies. Other Flood Frequency Analysis Methods. Flow-Duration, Concentration-Duration, and Low-Flow Frequency Relationships. Reservoir/River System Reliability. Precipitation Frequency Analysis.

8. Modeling Watershed Hydrology.

Watershed Hydrology. Watershed Models. Watershed Characteristics. Rational Method for Estimating Peak Flow. Separating Precipitation into Abstractions and Runoff. Unit Hydrograph Approach for Estimating Flow Rates. Erosion and Sediment Yield. Water Quality Modeling. Generalized Watershed Simulation Models.

9. Groundwater Engineering.

Wells. Flow Net Analysis. Numerical Methods. Groundwater Quality.

10. Urban Stormwater Management.

Stormwater Collection Systems. On-Site Detention Basins. Regional Detention Facilities. Water Quality. Flood Damage Mitigation.

11. Water Resources Systems Analysis.

The Systems Philosophy. Economic Benefit-Cost Analysis. Simulation of Flood Damage Reduction Systems. Simulation and Optimization. Linear Programming.

12. River Basin Management.

Multiobjective, Multipurpose River Basin Development and Management. Major River Basin Management Systems. River Control Structures. Water Rights and Allocation. Water Quality Management. Environmental Management.

Appendix: Dimensions and Unit Conversion Factors.

Wesley P. James has over 40 years of experience in hydraulics, hydrology, and water resources engineering, working in federal agencies, private consulting, and universities. He has continued his consulting engineering practice since retiring in 1997 after 26 years with the Civil Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. His teaching, research, and consulting have been in the areas of watershed modeling, remote sensing, groundwater engineering, stormwater management, and design and analysis of hydraulic structures and facilities. Honors include the national J. M. Robbins Excellence in Teaching Award from the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society in 1990. Dr. James holds degrees in Civil Engineering from Montana State University, Purdue University, and Oregon State University.

Ralph A. Wurbs is a Professor in the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Division with the Civil Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. He worked in the water resources program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for nine years prior to joining the TAMU faculty in 1980. Much of his research and consulting have been related to river basin management. His several teaching awards include the national J. M. Bobbins Excellence in Teaching Award from the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society in 2000. His many publications include two other books published by Prentice Hall: Water Management Models: A Guide to Software (1995) and Modeling and Analysis of Reservoir System Operations (1996). Dr. Wurbs holds degrees from Texas A&M University, University of Texas at Arlington, and Colorado State University.

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