Technical Communication, Canadian Edition, 8th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (March 2, 2020) © 2021

  • John M. Lannon University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
  • Laura J. Gurak University of Minnesota
  • Don Klepp Mykon Communications
  • Shannon Kelly British Columbia Institute of Technology
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Today's workplace requires writing emails, memos, letters, and informal reports, as well as more complex communications such as formal reports, proposals, web pages, and presentations. Technical Communication guides students to write persuasively, effectively, and with perspective on technological innovations and global communications. Lannon and Gurak incorporate the interpersonal, logical, ethical, and cultural demands of different forms of workplace communications, and encourage the development of skills students will need to navigate these considerations. Building on research and writing skills, the authors prepare students for technical writing in any field.

  1. Introduction to Technical Communications
  2. Preparing to Write: Audience/Purpose Analysis
  3. Writing Efficiently  
  4. Collaborating at Work
  5. Writing Persuasively
  6. Writing Ethically
  7. Gathering Information
  8. Recording and Reviewing Research Findings
  9. Documenting Research Findings  
  10. Summarizing  Information
  11. Organizing for Readers  
  12. Designing Visuals
  13. Designing Pages and Documents
  14. Definitions
  15. Descriptions and Specifications  
  16. Process Analyses, Instructions, and Procedures
  17. Manuals and Usability Testing
  18. Proposals  
  19. Formal Analytical Reports
  20. Adding Document Supplements
  21. Short Reports
  22. Workplace Correspondence
  23. Job-search Communications
  24. Oral Presentations
  25. Using Online Media

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