Stop Kissing Frogs: How To Avoid Mr Wrong and Find Mr Right, 1st edition

Published by Pearson Life (December 16, 2009) © 2010

  • Madeleine Lowe
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Why is it that so many bright, attractive, clever and sensible women seem to fall for toads? They spend years searching, dating, cohabiting and marrying, just to find themselves right back at square one, heartbroken, despondent and vowing “never again”.

Truth be told there’s actually thousands upon thousands of lovely, gorgeous, unattached and eligible men out there. And many of them are just waiting for someone like you. But if that really is the case, why can’t you ever seem to bag one?

Stop Kissing Frogs will tell you.

This is a real-life, no-nonsense guide for any single girl who’s tired of kissing frogs in their search for Mr Right, weary of making the same old mistakes over and over again and who wants to learn the truth about what works and what doesn’t in her search for her own happy ending.

Stop Kissing Frogs is packed with helpful insights and advice on what you need to know about yourself, what you need to know about men and what you need to know about love to stand a chance of finding a real and lasting relationship.

What to avoid, what to look for and what to cherish are all covered. You’ll discover the five worst mistakes many women make in a relationship and how you can avoid them; why being single is not as bad as it seems and is in fact a necessary part of finding the right man; what makes a good man and a suitable life partner; and how to spot a bad one at fifty paces.

Stop Kissing Frogs is warm, funny and touching. It scratches beneath the typical trashy veneer, revealing a frank, honest and real-world insight into the world of grown-up relationships and how to navigate your way to your very own, special and long lasting happy-ever-after.




Chapter One – Identifying a frog at fifty paces

Chapter Two – Once upon a time …

Chapter Three – The five worst mistakes women make

Chapter Four – Prince Charming can kiss my @***!

Chapter Five - Five personality traits every prince should have

Chapter Six – Even princes and princesses have their off-days

Chapter Seven – What makes Prince Charming commit?

Chapter Eight – Living happily ever after...


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