Mike Delgaty — Algonquin College
Mike is the primary author of the Basic Math modules. He holds a master’s in theoretical physics from Queen’s University and bachelor degrees in education and science from the Universities of Ottawa and Waterloo, respectively. He has taught physics, math, and science for the past 12 years in high schools in North Carolina and Ontario, and is currently an instructor at Algonquin College.
Lisa Hayden — Algonquin College
Lisa is the author of the Trigonometry module. She holds a double degree consisting of an honours in mathematics and a concentration in computer science at the University of Ottawa, and a Master’s in pure mathematics with a specialization in abstract algebra (Simon Fraser University).
Michael Nauth — Algonquin College
Michael is a coordinator for the carpentry program at Algonquin College. His knowledge of Canadian business and industry requirements adds a valuable practical perspective to the project.
Trish Byers — Georgian College
Trish is the author of the Study Skills module. In addition to her nursing degree (University of Toronto), Trish has an undergraduate degree in mathematics and an MA in mathematics education for teachers from York University. Trish currently teaches in the engineering technology department at Georgian College and is pursuing a doctoral degree in education.
John Tobey received his BA in mathematics from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois in 1965, his MA in mathematics education from Harvard University in 1966, and his PhD in mathematics education from Boston University in 1980. He has taught in the mathematics department at the United States Military Academy at West Point and has served as the mathematics Department Chairman at North Shore Community College in Danvers, Massachusetts for five years. John has served as the president of the New England Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges. He has received the NISOD award for outstanding teaching from the University of Texas at Austin. John is the author of seven mathematics books published by Pearson Education. John has spoken to many mathematics departments and at many professional meetings throughout the country on the topic of developmental mathematics education and distance learning in mathematics. He lives in Massachusetts.
Jeffrey Slater has been a professor at North Shore Community College for thirty-eight years and received the Teacher of the Year in 2002. Jeff travels around the country speaking on student retention and is also a consultant to the Federal Government. He lives in Marblehead, Mass. with his wife Shelley and his yellow lab Gracie.
Jamie Blair has directed the Mathematics Learning Center at Orange Coast College for the past seventeen years. She designed, developed, and implemented the Center, and as a result of this effort has provided technical expertise related to the particulars of the Math Center to numerous other two-year colleges and at many conferences. In 2007 Jamie was appointed to the Team of Basic Skills Specialist by the California State Academic Senate. She is also currently participating on Title 3 committees on her campus. She specializes in teaching students who have never been successful in mathematics. She is an expert in the area of basic skills in relation to the learning needs of students. She lives in California.
Bob Blitzer is a native of Manhattan and received a Bachelor of Arts degree with dual majors in mathematics and psychology (minor: English literature) from the City College of New York. His unusual combination of academic interests led him toward a Master of Arts in mathematics from the University of Miami and a doctorate in behavioral sciences from Nova University. Bob is most energized by teaching mathematics and has taught a variety of mathematics courses at Miami-Dade College for nearly 30 years. He has received numerous teaching awards, including Innovator of the Year from the League for Innovations in the Community College, and was among the first group of recipients at Miami-Dade College for an endowed chair based on excellence in the classroom. Bob has written Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Algebra for College Students, Thinking Mathematically, College Algebra, Algebra and Trigonometry, and Precalculus, all published by Pearson Prentice Hall.