Social Psychology, Canadian Edition, 7th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (January 4, 2021) © 2022

  • Elliot Aronson University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Timothy D. Wilson University of Virginia
  • Robin M. Akert Wellesley College
  • Beverley Fehr University of Winnipeg
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Social Psychology introduces the key concepts of the field through a storytelling approach that makes research relevant. Drawing upon their extensive experience as researchers and teachers, the authors present classic studies alongside the cutting-edge research that is the future of social psychology.

The seventh Canadian edition features the latest cutting edge research in the field. The authors have conducted an extensive updating of the literature, adding nearly 900 new references since the last edition. Of these, more than250 are new studies by Canadian researchers.

  1. Introduction to Social Psychology
  2. Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research
  3. Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social World
  4. Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People
  5. The Self: Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context
  6. Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour
  7. Conformity: Influencing Others
  8. Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups
  9. Attraction and Relationships: From First Impressions to Close Relationships
  10. Prosocial Behaviour: Why Do People Help?
  11. Aggression: Why We Hurt Other People
  12. Prejudice: Causes and Cures
  13. Social Psychology in Action 1 Using Social Psychology to Achieve a Sustainable Future
  14. Social Psychology in Action 2 Social Psychology and Health
  15. Social Psychology in Action 3 Social Psychology and the Law

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