Recruitment and Selection: A Strategic Approach for Canadian Organizations, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson Canada (March 31, 2022) © 2023

  • Hari Das Saint Mary's University
  • Carol Ann Samhaber Algonquin College
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Recruitment and Selection: A Strategic Approach for Canadian Organizations provides students with all of the employee recruitment and selection knowledge and skills to support organizational strategic advantage. Students will be best prepared to assume the roles of human resources management professionals if they possess the knowledge and skills to plan, design, implement, and evaluate recruitment and selection strategy and practice. Specifically, this text explores organizational and human resources management strategies, job analysis, employee recruitment campaigns, screening processes, selection tools and processes, decision making, and metrics.

  1. Organizational and Human Resources Management Strategies
  2. Reliability, Validity, and Ethics in Recruitment and Selection
  3. The Impact of Legislation on Recruitment and Selection
  4. Job Analysis and Competency Models
  5. Employee Recruitment
  6. Applicant Screening
  7. Employee Selection Testing
  8. Employee Selection Interviews and Checks
  9. Making the Selection Decision
  10. Employee Recruitment and Selection Metrics

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