Reality Through the Arts, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (March 15, 2012) © 2013

  • Dennis J. Sporre Elon University



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Thematic and chronological approach to the Humanities

Reality Through the Arts is a popular choice for professors because it provides both a topical and chronological approach to the humanities. Part I, The Media of the Arts, offers independent chapters on two dimensional art (drawing, painting, printmaking, and photography), sculpture, architecture, music, literature, theatre, cinema, and dance. Part II, The Styles of the Arts, is a chronological history of the arts of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, organized by artistic discipline and focusing on styles rather than encyclopedic detail.

This edition continues its uniquely flexible organization, allowing readers to cover individual art forms and historical context.

A better teaching and learning experience

This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Here's how:

  • Improve Critical Thinking: Questions about specific issues appear at the end of each chapter, helping students develop their analytical skills.
  • Engage Students: Human Reality features and vibrant illustrations throughout the book give students a further understanding of the artistic process.

A thematic and chronological approach to the Humanities

  • New material on Rock and Rap music in chapter 3 to help students connect to contemporary material highlights in chapter 4 (Music and Opera).
  • New Material on dance (chapter 8) has been added to the new edition, a rare topic in a humanities text.
  • Profile boxes take an in-depth look at an artist's biography relevant to each major section.
  • Human Reality boxes focus on the strategies artists use to portray reality in various genres, giving students a further understanding of the artistic process.

Improve critical thinking

  • Thinking Critically questions about specific issues and works appear at the end of each chapter to help students develop their analytical skills.
  • Chapters 1 through 8 end with a sample analysis section to help readers see how they might write a critical analysis of a single work using terms from the text.

Engage students

  • New 4-color images replace many of the black and white artworks in the previous edition.
  • Chapters 9 to 13 have all been strengthened with new illustrations focused on women, minorities, and non-western cultures (a total of 35 new illustrations).

Support instructors

  • Updated Instructor's Manual & Test Item File: The instructor's manual is an invaluable professional resource and reference for new and experienced faculty. The test item file is available in Pearson's MyTest format, Blackboard, WebCT, and a variety of other formats, and is available for download from the instructor support section in

A thematic and chronological approach to the Humanities

  • New material on Rock and Rap music in chapter 3 helps students connect to contemporary material highlights in Ch. 4 (Music and Opera).
  • New Material on dance (chapter 8) has been added to the new edition, a rare topic in a humanities text.

Engages students

  • 4-color images replace many of the black and white artworks in the previous edition. Includes 34 new works of art.
  • Chapters 9 to 13 have all been strengthened with new illustrations focused on women, minorities, and non-western cultures (a total of 35 new illustrations).

Chapter-by-Chapter Changes

Chapter 1: Two-Dimensional Art

  • A more focused text on printmaking and photography to simplify discussion of the media
  • New illustrations to clarify, enliven, contemporize, and broaden ethnic focus

Chapter 3: Architecture

  • New illustrations to feature landscape architecture and interactivity

Chapter 4: Music and Opera

  • New material on Rock and Rap music to help students connect to contemporary material highlights.

Chapter 5: Literature

  • New illustrations add visual appeal and breadth to the chapter.

Chapter 7: Cinema

  • New contemporary references and illustrations

Chapter 8: Dance

  • New and better quality illustrations

Chapter 9: Ancient Approaches

  • New section on the early Indus Valley civilization

Chapter 10: Artistic Reflections in the Pre-Modern World

  • New material on Buddhism

Chapter 11: Artistic Styles in the Emerging Modern World

  • Material on Mannerism, featuring Sophonisba Anguissola

Chapter 13: The Arts In A Modern, Postmodern, And Pluralistic World

  • Material on painters Susan Rothenberg, Kerry James Marshall, and Los Carpinteros, and dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones


  • Introduction

Part I The Media Of The Arts

  • Chapter 1 Two-Dimensional Art
  • Chapter 2 Sculpture
  • Chapter 3 Architecture
  • Chapter 4 Music and Opera
  • Chapter 5 Literature
  • Chapter 6 Theatre
  • Chapter 7 Cinema
  • Chapter 8 Dance

Part II The Styles Of The Arts

  • Chapter 9 Ancient Approaches
  • Chapter 10 Artistic Reflections in the Pre-Modern World
  • Chapter 11 Artistic Styles in the Emerging Modern World
  • Chapter 12 Artistry in an Age of Industry
  • Chapter 13 The Arts In A Modern, Postmodern, And Pluralistic World

Dennis  J. Sporre is an internationally prominent and award-winning  writer, scholar, and artist. He has a bachelor's degree in Speech and Drama with a minor in music from Central Michigan University and a graduate degree in theatre scenic design and technology from the University of Iowa. Until his retirement he was a tenured professor, department head, and dean at various universities across the United States, including Ball State University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, The Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Arizona. His administrative and teaching experience has encompassed interdisciplinary courses in the humanities and fine arts. He has sung professionally and designed scenery and lighting for more than fifty productions.

His writings, including more than a dozen books, numerous journal articles, and poetry, have covered numerous topics including the humanities, theatre history, and design and technology. He has spent decades traveling the world researching and experiencing the arts and cultures about which he writes.

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