Raising Children - The Primary Years: Everything Parents Need To Know, 1st edition

Published by Pearson Life (November 11, 2010) © 2011

  • Liat Hughes Joshi

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1  General behaviour management for primary schoolers

2  Friends and foes

3  School and after school

4  Food, glorious food

5  Sleep

6  Growing up fast

7  Gadgets and games

8  Tricky questions

9  Financial matters

10 Difficult times

11 Other little challenges

Liat Hughes Joshi is a parenting journalist who has contributed to national newspapers and magazines, including the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times and Mother and Baby Magazine. Prior to her second career as a writer, Liat spent nine long, exhausting years as a management consultant in the City (during which time she actually did about 15 years’ worth of work). She is also the author of What to Buy for Your Baby and lives in North London with her husband and primary school-age son.

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