Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson Canada (May 24, 2023) © 2024

  • Shelley Brown Carleton University
  • Mark E. Olver University of Saskatchewan
  • Kelly M. Babchishin Carleton University
  • Adelle Forth Carleton University



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Intended for use by Canadian students interested in studying the psychology of crime. 

Examines the intersection of criminal behaviour, the theory behind it, and the application of evidence-based practice to its study. It explores the Canadian criminal justice system, Canadian research and Canadian crime. Criminal Behaviour and Psychology is very accessible to students, and has a focus on empirical research to support key theories and practice. Contemporary themes are also highlighted to give this book a truly Canadian perspective.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Evidence-based practice. A major focus of the text is the use of empirical research to support key theories and practice. Data reported in original studies is often presented in graph or table form and is cited throughout the textbook.
  • Profiles of Canadian researchers. Canadian researchers are among the best in the world and their contributions have been innumerable. Each chapter provides a profile of a key Canadian researcher whose work is relevant to the chapter. These profiles also highlight information such as educational background, research interests, and some aspects of their personal lives.
  • Vignettes. Case studies or vignettes are presented at the beginning of each chapter to provide a context for the key concepts reflected in the chapter. These vignettes are real-world cases and scenarios to help students make the link from research to practice.

New and updated features of this title

  • As the world shifts to a greater reliance on digital media, it is appropriate that this resource evolves as well. This Third Edition is the first fully digital version of Psychology of Criminal Behaviour. Instructors and students will find that, although the medium has changed, the content is fully consistent with prior editions.
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) in language and content. Many of our changes were explicitly made to adopt a more inclusive, diverse, fair, and respectful approach to the subject matter of this eTextbook - the very people who find themselves subject to sanctions imposed by Canada's criminal justice system. This meant always using non-stigmatizing, person-first language. Thus, words such as “offender” and “in-mate” are no longer used in this eTextbook
  • Crime trend updates: It has been six years since the second edition was published in 2017. In most instances, when the second edition was published the message was “crime is decreasing”. However, crime trends have become less clear since 2017. 
  • Legislative updates: Since 2017, legislation has evolved as well. For example, cannabis is now legal.  The possession of small amounts of harder drugs (such as cocaine, fentanyl and heroin) will be legalized in B.C. effective January 2023 for a three-year trial period in response to the opioid crisis.
  1. Crime in Canada
  2. Theories of Crime: Biological and Evolutionary Explanations
  3. Theories of Crime: Learning and Environment
  4. Canadian Corrections in Practice
  5. Adolescent Offenders
  6. Economically Motivated Offenders
  7. Substance Abusing Offenders
  8. Violent Offending: General Violence and Homicide
  9. Intimate Partner Violence
  10. Mentally Disordered Offenders
  11. Psychopathic Offenders
  12. Sexual Offenders
  13. Female Offenders
  14. Aboriginal Offenders

Shelley Brown, PhD is a professor of forensic psychology in the Department of Psychology, Carleton University where she also serves as the Director of the Gender and Crime Research Lab. She is also an associate graduate faculty member with the Centre of Applied Psychology and Human Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Shelley's program of research aims to improve gender responsive services in the criminal justice system. Currently, Shelley studies complex trauma, violence, strengths, risk assessment, and desistance among justice-impacted girls and women. She has published over 50 articles, government reports, book chapters and books about criminal behaviour in general, as well as works specific to justice-impacted girls and women. Her work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Public Safety Canada, and Correctional Service of Canada. Shelley also teaches and supervises students at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Mark E. Olver, Ph.D is Professor and Registered Doctoral Psychologist in the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where he is involved in graduate and undergraduate research supervision, teaching, administration, clinical training, and applied forensic research. Prior to his academic appointment, Mark worked as a clinical psychologist in various capacities, including providing assessment, treatment, and consultation services for justice involved boys and girls in the Saskatoon Health Region and for federally sentenced men in the Correctional Service of Canada. He has published over 170 journal articles and book chapters and his research interests include risk assessment and correctional treatment, justice involved youth, psychopathy, variations in human sexuality, and the evaluation of therapeutic change. He is the co-developer of the Violence Risk Scale-Sexual Offense version (VRS-SO) and the Violence Risk Scale-Youth Sexual Offense version (VRS-YSO) and he provides training and consultation services internationally in the assessment and treatment of high psychopathy, sexual, and violent offending populations.  .

Kelly M. Babchishin, Ph.D is an assistant professor of forensic psychology in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University and the Director of the Sexually Harmful Behaviours Research Lab. Dr. Babchishin's current research involves identifying risk factors for the onset and maintenance of offending, for which she has amassed over 50 peer reviewed journal articles. Kelly is also authored on three risk tools used with individuals who commit sexual offences: Static-99R, Static-2002R, and BARR-2002R and is the research director of the International Working Group for Best Practice in the Management of Online Sex Offending. Dr. Babchishin's research is funded, among others, by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Dr. Babchishin has received the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA; Early Career Re-search Award), the John Charles Polanyi Prize (Medicine), and the Royal Ottawa's Inspiration Award (Early Career Researcher) for her work.

Adelle Forth, PhD is a professor of forensic psychology in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University, where she also serves as the director of the Psychopathy Research Lab. She completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia, studying criminals with psychopathy, where she worked with Dr. Robert Hare to develop the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. She is the senior author of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version and a co-author of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (all of these instruments are de-scribed in the textbook). She has also co-authored the textbook Forensic Psychology. Her cur-rent research centers on studying the early manifestations of psychopathy, investigating cognitive and affective underlying psychopathy, development of assessments to identify psychopathy, and most recently studying the impact of psychopathy. She is actively involved in training mental health professionals on the assessment of psychopathy and youth risk assessment in North America, Europe, and Asia..

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