Psychology: An Exploration, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (December 21, 2021) © 2022

  • Saundra K. Ciccarelli Gulf Coast State College
  • J Noland White Georgia College & State University
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Psychology: An Exploration offers a learner-centered, assessment-driven approach that maximizes engagement. Authors Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White draw you into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to your own life. An engaging writing style makes course concepts interesting. Accessible coverage of key research facilitates a thorough understanding of the discipline. And a hands-on approach, with various in-text activities, gets you learning actively.

The 5th Edition has been updated with fresh content and examples that reflect the latest developments in the discipline. Thoroughly revised Applying Psychology to Everyday Life features show how psychological concepts are relevant to your daily experiences.

Psychology in Action: Secrets for Surviving College and Improving Your Grades

1. The Science of Psychology
2. The Biological Perspective
3. Sensation and Perception
4. Consciousness
5. Learning
6. Memory
7. Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
8. Development Across the Life Span
9. Motivation, Stress, and Emotion
10. Social Psychology
11. Theories of Personality
12. Psychological Disorders
13. Psychological Therapies

Appendix A: Statistics in Psychology
Appendix B: Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers

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