Principles of Classroom Management, Canadian Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (July 1, 2015) © 2016

  • James Levin Pennsylvania State University
  • James F. Nolan Pennsylvania State University
  • James W. Kerr Brock University
  • Anne E. Elliott Brock University
  • Mira Bajovic Brock University
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Principles of Classroom Management, Canadian Edition, focuses on the teacher's role as a professional decision-maker in creating positive learning environments that help influence students to behave productively and strive for academic success, rather than focusing on rewards and punishments. Grounded in both theory and practice, it provides teachers with a very practical system to guide their decision-making process and foster supportive classroom environments. Principles, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings provide a foundation for teachers to confidently make professional decisions with respect to classroom behavior issues. An array of decision-making options guide teachers in thinking about how to approach specific classroom management situations and choose from a range of strategies designed to prevent disruptive behavior and influence appropriate behavior.

  1. The Foundations
  2. Nature of Behavioural Problems
  3. Understanding Why Children Misbehave
  4. Bullying and Cyberbullying Implications for the Classroom
  5. Philosophical Approaches to Classroom Management Iterative Case Study Analysis Second Analysis
  6. The Professional Teacher
  7. Structuring the Environment Iterative Case Study Analysis Third Analysis
  8. Managing Common Misbehaviour Problems Nonverbal Interventions
  9. Managing Common Misbehaviour Problems Verbal Interventions and Use of Logical Consequences
  10. Classroom Interventions for Chronic Behaviour Problems
  11. Seeking Outside Assistance Iterative Case Study Analysis Fourth Analysis

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