Primary Preventive Dentistry, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2014

  • Norman O Harris
  • Franklin Garcia-Godoy
  • Christine N. Nathe
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UNIT I: Primary Preventive Dental Concepts
1. Introduction to Primary Preventive Dentistry
2. Cultural Health Influences
3. Dental Hygiene Science

UNIT II: Etiology of Dental Diseases and Conditions
4. Dental Plaque Biofilm
5. Carious Lesions
6. Periodontal Disease
7. Oral Cancer
8. Dental Trauma
9. Host Defense Mechanisms in the Oral Cavity

UNIT III: Preventive Strategies
10. Toothbrushes and Toothbrushing Methods
11. Dentifrices, Mouthrinses and Chewing Gums
12. Self-Care Adjuncts
13. Implant and Denture Self-Care
14. Community Water Fluoridation
15. Topical Fluoride Therapy
16. Dental Sealants
17. Nutrition, Diet, and Associated Oral Conditions
18. Sugar and Other Sweeteners
19. Health Education and Promotion Theories
20. Tobacco Cessation
21. Athletic Mouthguards
22. Technological Advances in Primary Dental Care

UNIT IV: Target Populations
23. Pregnancy and Infancy
24. Pediatrics
25. Adult Dental Care
26. Geriatrics
27. Medically Compromised Populations
28. Populations with Developmental Disabilities

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