Practicum Companion for Social Work, The: Integrating Class and Field Work, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2018

  • Julie M. Birkenmaier Saint Louis University
  • Marla Berg-Weger
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Brief Table of Contents

Before You Head into the Field: A Prepracticum Guide
1. Getting Started on Your Social Work Practice Career
2. Socialization into the Social Work Profession
3. Safety in Social Work Settings
4. Making the Most of Your Practicum Supervision
5. Organizational Context
6. Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Individuals and Families
7. Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Groups
8. Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Organizations, Communities, and Policy
9. Social Work Practice and the Law
10. Termination: The Beginning of an End (or the End of a Beginning?)

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