Nutrition & You, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (January 29, 2019) © 2020

  • Joan Salge Blake Boston University

For introductory nutrition courses for non-majors.

Tools for separating nutrition fact from fiction

Nutrition & You provides students with a personalized approach to understanding nutrition with customized nutrition discussions to help them apply nutrition concepts to their own lives. Joan Salge Blake uses visuals and humor to address students directly, encouraging them to think critically and become informed consumers of nutrition information.

The 5th Edition includes the latest scientific research and updated coverage of hot topics such as the microbiome and food waste to engage students and encourage behavior change.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Focus Figures are in-depth figures designed to teach key nutrition concepts through bold, clear and detailed visual presentations.
  • Health Connection: A Case Study introduces a person with a health problem, explores the interplay between nutrition and disease, and concludes with follow-up critical-thinking questions.
  • Visual Chapter Summaries mirror the organization of the chapter content and are numbered to correspond with the chapter objectives, serving as concise study and review tools.
  • Table Tips give students practical ideas for incorporating appropriate amounts of each nutrient into their diets.
  • Examining the Evidence looks at the latest research on controversial or confusing hot topics in nutrition today and includes critical-thinking questions.

Additional and updated features of this title

  • True or False? Pretests open each chapter, posing true/false questions to help students recognize that what they think they know about nutrition isn't always accurate. Answers are given at the end of the chapter, and true/false icons identify locations of answers within the chapter.
  • Exploring Micronutrients incorporate photos, illustrations and text to present each vitamin and mineral. Each micronutrient discussion uses the same categories (forms, functions, daily needs, food sources, toxicity and deficiency symptoms) in a consistent and easy-to-study format that enables students to identify the key aspects of the nutrient at-a-glance.
  • UPDATED: Increased coverage of current topics that interest students such as the microbiome and food waste have been added.
  1. What Is Nutrition?
  2. Tools for Healthy Eating
  3. The Basics of Digestion
  4. Carbohydrates. Sugars, Starches, and Fiber
  5. Fats, Oils, and Other Lipids
  6. Proteins and Amino Acids
  7. Vitamins
  8. Minerals and Water
  9. Alcohol
  10. Weight Management and Energy Balance
  11. Nutrition and Fitness
  12. Consumerism and Sustainability. Food from Farm to Table
  13. Food Safety and Technology
  14. Life Cycle Nutrition. Pregnancy through Infancy
  15. Life Cycle Nutrition. Toddlers through the Later Years
  16. Hunger at Home and Abroad


  1. Calculations and Conversions
  2. Organizations and Resources

About our author

Dr. Joan Salge Blake is a clinical associate professor and dietetics internship director at Boston University's Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate nutrition courses and has been a guest lecturer at both the Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine and the Boston University School of Medicine. She received the Whitney Powers Excellence in Teaching Award from Boston University. Joan completed both her master of science and doctorate degree at Boston University.

Joan is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and the Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (MAND). She has been a presenter and presiding officer at both the AND Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) and the MAND Annual Convention, and she was previously named the MAND's “Young Dietitian of the Year,” Outstanding Dietitian (2009), and Outstanding Dietetic Educator (2007). Joan has served on the MAND board for more than two decades in many roles, including Delegate, Director of Education, and Nominating Committee Chairperson.

In addition to teaching and writing, Joan is also a national media spokesperson and is often asked to translate complex nutritional issues into understandable terms. She has conducted more than 1,400 media interviews. Joan is also a nutrition blogger for the U.S. News & World Report's Eat + Run website.

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