Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume 1, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 28, 2022) © 2023

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Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning is the only concepts curriculum built from the ground up as a comprehensive, cohesive learning system. This 3-volume series provides all the nursing curriculum content and materials needed to prepare you for nursing practice. Through complementary exemplars and assessment tools, you'll deepen your grasp of the connections between concepts, with broad applications.

Volume I focuses on 21 biophysical concepts, including normal function, interrelationships and alterations. Complementary exemplars illuminate concepts. The 4th Edition builds your grasp of the lifespan, from pregnancy and birth, through childhood and adolescence, and into young, middle and old age.


  • Module 1. Acid-Base Balance
  • Module 2. Cellular Regulation
  • Module 3. Comfort
  • Module 4. Digestion
  • Module 5. Elimination
  • Module 6. Fluids and Electrolytes
  • Module 7. Health, Wellness, Illness, and Injury
  • Module 8. Immunity
  • Module 9. Infection
  • Module 10. Inflammation
  • Module 11. Intracranial Regulation
  • Module 12. Metabolism
  • Module 13. Mobility
  • Module 14. Nutrition
  • Module 15. Oxygenation
  • Module 16. Perfusion
  • Module 17. Perioperative Care
  • Module 18. Sensory Perception
  • Module 19. Sexuality
  • Module 20. Thermoregulation
  • Module 21. Tissue Integrity

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