Microeconomics, Canadian Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (May 23, 2023) © 2024

  • Glenn Hubbard Columbia University
  • Anthony Patrick O'Brien Lehigh University
  • Apostolos Serletis University of Calgary
  • Jason Childs University of Regina
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Economics makes economic principles relevant by demonstrating how real businesses use them to make decisions. For instructors, it eases the challenge of conveying how these principles directly impact students' lives. No matter their career path, whether it's opening an art studio, trading on Wall Street or bartending at the local pub, students will benefit from grasping the economic forces behind their work.

  1. Economics: Foundations and Models
  2. Trade-offs, Comparative Advantage, and the Market System
  3. Where Prices Come From: The Interaction of Supply and Demand
  4. Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes
  5. Externalities, Environmental Policy, and Public Goods
  6. Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply
  7. Comparative Advantage and the Gains from International Trade
  8. Consumer Choice and Behavioural Economics
  9. Technology, Production, and Costs
  10. Firms in Perfectly Competitive Markets
  11. Monopolistic Competition: The Competitive Model in a More Realistic Setting
  12. Oligopoly: Firms in Less Competitive Markets
  13. Monopoly and Competition Policy
  14. The Markets for Labour and Other Factors of Production Public Choice, Taxes, and the Distribution of Income
  15. Public Choice, Taxes, and the Distribution of Income

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