Medical Terminology: Get Connected!, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (January 2, 2019) © 2020

  • Suzanne S Frucht Northwest Missouri State University



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For short courses (e.g., one-hour courses) in medical terminology.

A fun, accessible approach to medical terminology

Medical Terminology: Get Connected! is an intro-level essentials text. It prepares students to make connections, whether they're joining word parts into medical terms, understanding body systems or forging professional relationships. Unlike other medical terminology resources, this text presents terms by medical specialty, rather than organ systems, giving it practical use.

The fully updated 3rd Edition now has more engaging practice exercises and more robust visuals. It also narrows in on the work of healthcare practitioners who use medical terms daily.

Hallmark features of this title

Instruction by medical specialty

  • Medical terms for all key body systems are covered in the context of 15 medical specialties.
  • Illustrations of pertinent organs and structures appear in each medical specialty chapter. The art is labeled with the name and combining form of each organ.

Step-by-step guidance in building medical terms

  • The combining forms, suffixes and prefixes common to each medical specialty are defined in a section of each chapter.
  • Color-coded word parts (red combining forms, blue suffixes and gold prefixes) assist with quick recognition.

New and updated features of this title

Expanded focus on medical specialties

  • NEW: New content on medical specialists includes a synopsis of the medical specialty, examples of conditions treated and details on the pertinent body systems.
  • EXPANDED: Details on organs and structures, by medical specialty, have been expanded upon in word-building sections. Students learn how organs function, individually and within each body system.

Practice exercises

  • ENHANCED: Case study, transcription and pronunciation exercises have been augmented to reinforce learning objectives.
  • ENHANCED: Improved recall and critical-thinking exercises help students better absorb the material. Recall exercises include labeling, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and matching. Critical-thinking exercises include medical term analysis and visual identification challenge.

Learning aids

  • ENHANCED: A more robust art program helps students better visualize concepts.
  • EXPANDED: A more comprehensive list of related medical terms now appears in the vocabulary section of each chapter. It includes terms not built from word parts.


  1. Introduction to Medical Terminology
  2. Suffixes
  3. Prefixes
  4. Anatomical Terminology


  1. Dermatology & Integumentary System
  2. Orthopedics & Musculoskeletal System
  3. Cardiology & Cardiovascular System
  4. Hematology & Blood
  5. Immunology & Immune Systems
  6. Pulmonology & Respiratory System
  7. Gastroenterology & Digestive System
  8. Urology and Nephrology & Urinary System and Male Reproductive System
  9. Obstetrics and Gynecology & Female Reproductive System
  10. Neurology & Nervous System
  11. Endocrinology & Endocrine System
  12. Ophthalmology & The Eye
  13. Otorhinolaryngology & The Ear, Nose, and Throat


  1. Word Parts
  2. Abbreviations and Symbols
  3. Selected English/Spanish Glossary
  4. Answer Keys

About our author

Suzanne S. Frucht is an associate professor emeritus of anatomy and physiology at Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU). She holds baccalaureate degrees in biological sciences and physical therapy from Indiana University, an MS in biological sciences from NWMSU and a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. For 14 years Dr. Frucht worked full time as a physical therapist in various healthcare settings, including acute care hospitals, extended care facilities and home health. Based on her educational and clinical experience, she was invited to teach medical terminology part time in 1988 and became a full-time faculty member 3 years later as she discovered her love for the challenge of teaching. Dr. Frucht has taught a variety of courses, including medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology and animal anatomy and physiology. She received the Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2003. Since retiring from teaching in 2008, she continues to be active in student learning through teaching medical terminology as an online course and writing medical terminology texts and anatomy and physiology laboratory manuals.

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