Medical Terminology: Get Connected!, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2020

  • Suzanne S Frucht Northwest Missouri State University
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Medical Terminology: Get Connected! is an intro-level essentials text. It prepares you to make connections, whether that's joining word parts into medical terms, understanding body systems or forging professional relationships. Unlike other medical terminology resources, this text presents terms by medical specialty, rather than organ systems, giving it practical use.

Medical terms for all key body systems are covered in the context of 15 medical specialties. Additionally, the combining forms, suffixes and prefixes common to each medical specialty are defined in a section of each chapter, reinforcing connections.

The fully updated 3rd Edition now has more engaging practice exercises and more robust visuals. It also narrows in on the work of healthcare practitioners who use medical terms daily.


  1. Introduction to Medical Terminology
  2. Suffixes
  3. Prefixes
  4. Anatomical Terminology


  1. Dermatology & Integumentary System
  2. Orthopedics & Musculoskeletal System
  3. Cardiology & Cardiovascular System
  4. Hematology & Blood
  5. Immunology & Immune Systems
  6. Pulmonology & Respiratory System
  7. Gastroenterology & Digestive System
  8. Urology and Nephrology & Urinary System and Male Reproductive System
  9. Obstetrics and Gynecology & Female Reproductive System
  10. Neurology & Nervous System
  11. Endocrinology & Endocrine System
  12. Ophthalmology & The Eye
  13. Otorhinolaryngology & The Ear, Nose, and Throat


  1. Word Parts
  2. Abbreviations and Symbols
  3. Selected English/Spanish Glossary
  4. Answer Keys

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