Medical Terminology: A Living Language, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (December 11, 2023) © 2024

  • Bonnie F. Fremgen University of Notre Dame
  • Suzanne S Frucht Northwest Missouri State University
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Medical Terminology: A Living Language uses a carefully constructed step-by-step learning system to help you master and apply medical language. Organized by body system, the text places medical terms within an A&P context. Instead of memorizing terms, you'll learn how to use word parts to build terms, to decode unfamiliar language.

The 8th Edition features a new Professional Profile section at the start of each chapter exploring career options per medical specialty. A reintroduced Special Topics chapter covers medical terms relevant to pharmacology, mental health, diagnostic imaging, rehabilitation, surgery and oncology. Additionally, a new Medical Care section discusses the study and treatment of diseases.

  1. Introduction to Medical Terminology
  2. Body Organization and Medical Care
  3. Integumentary System
  4. Musculoskeletal System
  5. Cardiovascular System
  6. Blood and the Lymphatic and Immune Systems
  7. Respiratory System
  8. Digestive System
  9. Urinary System
  10. Reproductive System
  11. Endocrine System
  12. Nervous System and Mental Health
  13. Special Senses: The Eye and Ear
  14. Special Topics


  1. Word Parts Arranged Alphabetically and Defined
  2. Word Parts Arranged Alphabetically by Definition
  3. Abbreviations

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