For undergraduate and graduate courses in Spanish.

A first-year Spanish course, covering the common core and geared to native speakers

Manual de gramática y ortografía para hispanos has a primary focus on grammar and spelling. The text emphasizes speaking, reading and writing Spanish for the heritage speaker. The authors designed this text specifically for students who speak Spanish at home with some proficiency but have yet to master all aspects of grammar and the written language.

In this 3rd Edition, the authors have streamlined the grammatical syllabus to meet the needs of modern-day students. It incorporates several important revisions and new teacher-suggested chapter exercises.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Designed for heritage speakers, the text emphasizes aspects typically ignored or misunderstood by learners for whom Spanish is a first language.
  • Addresses linguistic mistakes caused by English influence and helps students correct them.
  • Provides exercises in each lesson that allow students to immediately apply the rule or concept they've just learned.
  • Includes Ejercicio preliminar sections in the last 5 chapters, designed to awaken students' unconscious or forgotten knowledge of the structure of the Spanish language.
  • Intertwines grammar, spelling rules, and vocabulary from the 3 prior chapters in 4 Ejercicios de repaso.
  • Organizes chapter content in 3 parts: Gramática (grammar and exercises); OrtografĂ­a (spelling); and Lengua y cultura (reading and composition).

New and updated features of this title

Teaches students about culture awareness within Spanish speaking communities

  • NEW/UPDATED: Readings for Chpts. 1, 6 and 7 expose students to a wider range of Hispanic cultures.
  • NEW/UPDATED: Un paso más has changed to become a link between the Lectura and the country of its origin. The activities are aimed at better enriching the students' cultural awareness of Hispanic life by learning about different Hispanic countries.

Provides clear, simplified gramática/grammar explanations and avoids linguistic jargon

  • NEW/UPDATED: The text incorporates several important revisions and new chapter exercises suggested by teachers who have used the book in their classrooms.
  • NEW: ComposiciĂłn instructs students on different types of essays. Assigned chapter-related topics are followed by a brief explanation and step-by-step instructions on how to write a specific kind of essay.
  • NEW: 9 types of essays are included in ComposiciĂłn instruction: La comparaciĂłn; El retrato; La descripciĂłn poĂ©tica; Ensayo de opinion; La narraciĂłn; El ensayo expositivo; El ensayo argumentative; La narraciĂłn creative; and El resumen.
  1. Vocales y sĂ­labas.
  2. Sujeto y predicado. Frase nominal.
  3. El artĂ­culo.
  4. Adjetivos.
  5. La frase verbal. Verbos (i): presente. Complemento directo.
  6. Verbos (ii). Pretérito e imperfecto. Complemento indirecto.
  7. La estructura reflexiva. Las preposiciones.
  8. Verbos (iii). Futuro.
  9. Cláusulas de relativo. Pronombres relativos.
  10. Verbos (iv). Presente e imperfecto del subjuntivo. Subjuntivo en cláusulas nominales, adjetivas y adverbiales.
  11. Verbos (v). Participio. Tiempos compuestos.
  12. Verbos (vi). Otros usos del subjuntivo.

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