Macroeconomics, 17th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (January 19, 2022) © 2023

  • Christopher T.S. Ragan McGill University
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Economics is a living discipline, changing and evolving in response to developments in the world economy and in response to the research of many thousands of economists throughout the world. Through seventeen editions, Economics has evolved with the discipline. Our purpose is to provide students with an introduction to the major issues facing the world's economies, to the methods that economists use to study those issues, and to the policy problems that those issues create.

  1. Economic Issues and Concepts
  2. Economic Theories, Data, and Graphs
  3. Demand, Supply, and Price
  4. What Macroeconomics Is All About
  5. The Measurement of National Income
  6. The Simplest Short-Run Macro Model
  7. Adding Government and Trade to the Simple MacroModel
  8. Real GDP and the Price Level in the Short Run
  9. From theShort Run to the Long Run: The Adjustment of Factor Prices
  10. Long-Run Economic Growth
  11. Money and Banking
  12. Money, Interest Rates, and Economic Activity
  13. Monetary Policy in Canada
  14. Inflation and Disinflation
  15. Unemployment and Fluctuations and the NAIRU
  16. Government Debt and Deficits
  17. The Gains from International Trade
  18. Trade Policy
  19. Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments

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