Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2021) © 2022

  • Ed Prather University of Arizona
  • Gina Brissenden University of Arizona
  • Colin S Wallace UNC Chapel Hill
  • Jeffery P Adams Millersville University



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For courses in introductory astronomy 

Deepen understanding with critical reasoning and lively discussion

Lecture-Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy  provides a collection of collaborative learning, inquiry-based activities to be used in introductory astronomy courses. Based on educational research, these activities are “classroom ready” and lead to deeper, more complete student understanding through a series of structured questions. The questions prompt students to use reasoning to identify and correct their misconceptions. All content has been extensively field tested and responds to reviewer demand, numerous interviews and nationally conducted workshops. 

Hallmark features of this title

  • Collaborative learning, inquiry-based activities engage students.
  • The tutorials are based on educational research and have been extensively classroom tested.
  • A structured series of questions is designed to prompt students to use reasoning rather than memorization.
  • Lecture-Tutorials address areas most requested by users and reviewers: Greenhouse Effect; Dark Matter; Making Sense of the Universe and Expansion; Hubble's Law; Expansion, Lookback Times, and Distances; and The Big Bang

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