About our authors
Robert L. Gould (Ph.D., University of California, San Diego) is a leader in the statistics education community. He has served in leadership roles in several national committees, including the Joint Committee of American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges and the American Statistical Association. He was a co-author of the 2005 edition of the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report as well as the 2020 GAISE preK-12 Report. In 2011 he founded DataFest, an undergraduate competition and celebration of data that is hosted by the American Statistical Association. As lead principal investigator of the NSF-funded Mobilize Project, he led the development of the first high school-level data science course, which is taught in schools throughout the U.S.
Rob teaches in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at UCLA. In 2012, he was elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and in 2019 was awarded the American Statistical Association Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Award and the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics Lifetime Achievement Award. In his free time, Rob plays the cello and enjoys attending classical music concerts.
Rebecca K. Wong has taught mathematics and statistics at West Valley College for more than 20 years. She enjoys designing activities to help students explore statistical concepts and encouraging students to apply those concepts to areas of personal interest.
Rebecca earned at B.A. in mathematics and psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, an M.S.T. in mathematics from Santa Clara University, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from San Francisco State University. She has been recognized for outstanding teaching by the National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development and the California Mathematics Council of Community Colleges.
When not teaching, Rebecca is an avid reader and enjoys hiking trails with friends.
Colleen N. Ryan has taught statistics, chemistry and physics to diverse community college students for decades. She taught at Oxnard College from 1975 to 2006, where she earned the Teacher of the Year Award. Colleen currently teaches statistics part-time at Moorpark Community College. She often designs her own lab activities. Her passion is to discover new ways to make statistical theory practical, easy to understand, and sometimes even fun.
Colleen earned a B.A. in physics from Wellesley College, an M.A.T. in physics from Harvard University, and an M.A. in chemistry from Wellesley College. Her first exposure to statistics was with Frederick Mosteller at Harvard. In her spare time, Colleen sings, has been an avid skier, and enjoys time with her family.