General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, 11th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (February 17, 2017) © 2017

  • Ralph H. Petrucci California State University, San Bernardino
  • F Geoffrey Herring University of British Columbia
  • Jeffry D. Madura Duquesne University
  • Carey Bissonnette University of Waterloo
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Petrucci General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, is recognized for its superior problems, lucid writing, precision of argument, and precise and detailed treatment of the subject. The text offers enhanced hallmark features, new innovations and revised discussions that that respond to key market needs for detailed and modern treatment of organic chemistry, embracing the power of visual learning and conquering the challenges of effective problem solving and assessment. In every explanation, illustration, and media resource for Students and instructors benefit from the care and craftsmanship of an extraordinarily talented and collaborative authorial team of active researchers who also share a wealth of experience from regularly teaching the General Chemistry course for majors as well as non-majors.

  1. Matter: Its Properties and Measurement
  2. Atoms and the Atomic Theory
  3. Chemical Compounds
  4. Chemical Reactions
  5. Introduction to Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
  6. Gases
  7. Thermochemistry
  8. Electrons in Atoms
  9. The Periodic Table and Some Atomic Properties
  10. Chemical Bonding l: Basic Concepts
  11. Chemical Bonding ll: Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theories
  12. Intermolecular Forces: Liquids and Solids
  13. Spontaneous Change: Entropy and Gibbs Energy
  14. Solutions and Their Physical Properties
  15. Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
  16. Acids and Bases
  17. Additional Aspects of Acid–Base Equilibria
  18. Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria
  19. Electrochemistry
  20. Chemical Kinetics
  21. Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements 1: Groups 1, 2, 13, and 14
  22. Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements ll: Groups 18, 17, 16, 15, and Hydrogen
  23. The Transition Elements
  24. Complex Ions and Coordination Compounds
  25. Nuclear Chemistry
  26. Structure of Organic Compounds
  27. Reactions of Organic Compounds
  28. (Online) 28    Chemistry of the Living State

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