Fundamentals of HVACR, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (January 25, 2016) © 2017

  • Carter Stanfield
  • David Skaves



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Fundamentals of HVACR, Third Edition, comprehensively introduces the fundamentals of HVACR in digestible units, supported by hundreds of colorful visual aid

  • NEW! A new unit on electrical troubleshooting provides practical, detailed information on troubleshooting the electrical component of HVACR systems, while acting as a capstone unit for the Electrical section of the text.
  • NEW! Contains a new unit on mini-split, multi-split, and variable refrigerant flow systems, a significant emerging component of the HVACR market.

  • NEW! A new unit on motor controls brings all discussion of motor controls into one concise unit, aligning with feedback from instructors regarding efficient teaching methods.

  • NEW! A new unit on motor application and troubleshooting provides practical, detailed information regarding motor applications in the field and how to troubleshoot them.

  • UPDATED! Expanded coverage of digital gauges, nitrogen brazing, confined space safety regulations, new refrigerants and refrigerant regulations, high-flow CoreMax valves and procedures, and environmentally friendly procedures for leak testing using nitrogen/hydrogen mixtures maintain the text’s status as the most up-to-date HVACR text on the market.

  • 2900 visual aids provide support throughout the text, including full-color illustrations, photographs, drawings, and diagrams.

  • A unique section on HVACR science clearly explains the application of fundamental scientific concepts essential to understanding air conditioning system operation.

  • Superb coverage of the basic refrigeration cycle and refrigeration components is included.

  • Detailed explanations for using service valves to access all types of refrigeration systems are included.

  • Referenced EPA Certification Outline shows a cross-referenced listing of each specific EPA competency document.

  • Basic Building Construction chapter provides students with enough information to ensure safe installations.

  • Discussion of all types of systems covering installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting is consolidated in one part of the text.

  • Learning objectives enable students to focus on what they should achieve by the end of the unit.

  • Unit introductions are organized topically, progressing from basic fundamentals to practical applications, with each topic supporting the next.

  • Unit summaries pull together main points and reinforce learning.

  • Service tickets provide examples of types of problems that service technicians encounter on the job, along with explanation of how the information in each unit helps solve those problems.

  • Review questions help students assess their understanding of the material.

  • Safety tips highlight safety issues relevant to the immediate material.

  • Service tips offer practical applications to help technicians perform their jobs more efficiently.

  • Cautions contain information students should know to properly operate and protect equipment.

  • Tech tips provide extra detail and information for students who want to go beyond the minimum knowledge needed.

  • Up-to-date coverage of units in several sections.

Also available with MyHVACLab®

Created specifically for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration students and instructors, MyHVACLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with Stanfield and Skaves’s, Fundamentals of HVACR, Third Edition. It's designed to support students’ mastery and application of the HVAC skills they’ll need for a successful career. It provides 24/7 eText access, multimedia resources, and pre-built assignments that allow instructors to measure student performance and personalize the HVAC learning experience.

  • Develop diagnostic skills using simulations. Over 80 interactive simulations challenge students to use their critical-thinking skills as they analyze customer complaints, diagnose problems, and select the appropriate repairs.

    • Using a simulated voltmeter, students will apply a step-by-step component vindication method to identify the defective component.

    • Gradebook reporting (complete/incomplete) and time-on-task data allows instructors to easily identify concepts students may be struggling with and tailor their instruction accordingly. Within each simulation, the time for each test is tracked and students can print, save, or upload a job sheet of the actions they have taken.

  • Help students succeed with self-paced Learning Modules. Interactive modules allow students to work through the material at their own pace. Designed to help students come to class more prepared, these guided review, practice, and application activities feature embedded textbook images, interactive exercises (drag & drop, sorting, quiz questions, etc.) and glossary links.

  • Streamline study time and help students come to class more prepared with MyHVACLab’s homework assignments. These multiple-choice assignments provide immediate feedback to help students identify the chapter content they have not mastered. Learning Aids–including eText pages, interactive activities, and videos–are provided throughout to support learning.

  • Bring difficult topics to life with Videos and Video Clips.  Perfect for in-class demonstrations or to assign before class, our library of over 130 HVACR videos and clips allow students to view concepts in action–in a fun, safe environment.

    • More than 60 industry-based videos showcase HVACR professionals as they present concepts, skills, and systems that students often struggle with.

    • Seventy brief video clips provide just-in-time guided exploration and explanation of system components, troubleshooting concepts, and more.

  • Assess student mastery through Homework Assignments, Quizzes and Unit Tests. MyHVACLab offers multiple pre-created practice and assessment opportunities, allowing instructors to conveniently evaluate what their students know before they come to class.

    • Conveniently monitor student performance over time, easily identify individual students who need additional support, and inform classroom lectures.

    • Results feed directly to the MyHVACLab gradebook, which offers a number of flexible grading options, including exporting grades to a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

Fundamentals of HVACR, Third Edition, comprehensively introduces the fundamentals of HVACR in digestible units, supported by hundreds of colorful visual aid

  • NEW! A new unit on electrical troubleshooting provides practical, detailed information on troubleshooting the electrical component of HVACR systems, while acting as a capstone unit for the Electrical section of the text.
  • NEW! Contains a new unit on mini-split, multi-split, and variable refrigerant flow systems, a significant emerging component of the HVACR market.

  • NEW! A new unit on motor controls brings all discussion of motor controls into one concise unit, aligning with feedback from instructors regarding efficient teaching methods.

  • NEW! A new unit on motor application and troubleshooting provides practical, detailed information regarding motor applications in the field and how to troubleshoot them.

  • UPDATED! Expanded coverage of digital gauges, nitrogen brazing, confined space safety regulations, new refrigerants and refrigerant regulations, high-flow CoreMax valves and procedures, and environmentally friendly procedures for leak testing using nitrogen/hydrogen mixtures maintain the text’s status as the most up-to-date HVACR text on the market.

Also available with MyHVACLab®

Created specifically for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration students and instructors, MyHVACLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with Stanfield and Skaves’s, Fundamentals of HVACR, Third Edition. It's designed to support students’ mastery and application of the HVAC skills they’ll need for a successful career. It provides 24/7 eText access, multimedia resources, and pre-built assignments that allow instructors to measure student performance and personalize the HVAC learning experience.

  • Develop diagnostic skills using simulations. Over 80 interactive simulations challenge students to use their critical-thinking skills as they analyze customer complaints, diagnose problems, and select the appropriate repairs.

    • Using a simulated voltmeter, students will apply a step-by-step component vindication method to identify the defective component.

    • Gradebook reporting (complete/incomplete) and time-on-task data allows instructors to easily identify concepts students may be struggling with and tailor their instruction accordingly. Within each simulation, the time for each test is tracked and students can print, save, or upload a job sheet of the actions they have taken.

  • Help students succeed with self-paced Learning Modules. Interactive modules allow students to work through the material at their own pace. Designed to help students come to class more prepared, these guided review, practice, and application activities feature embedded textbook images, interactive exercises (drag & drop, sorting, quiz questions, etc.) and glossary links.

  • Streamline study time and help students come to class more prepared with MyHVACLab’s homework assignments. These multiple-choice assignments provide immediate feedback to help students identify the chapter content they have not mastered. Learning Aids—including eText pages, interactive activities, and videos—are provided throughout to support learning.

  • Bring difficult topics to life with Videos and Video Clips.  Perfect for in-class demonstrations or to assign before class, our library of over 130 HVACR videos and clips allow students to view concepts in action—in a fun, safe environment.

    • More than 60 industry-based videos showcase HVACR professionals as they present concepts, skills, and systems that students often struggle with.

    • Seventy brief video clips provide just-in-time guided exploration and explanation of system components, troubleshooting concepts, and more.

  • Assess student mastery through Homework Assignments, Quizzes and Unit Tests. MyHVACLab offers multiple pre-created practice and assessment opportunities, allowing instructors to conveniently evaluate what their students know before they come to class.

    • Conveniently monitor student performance over time, easily identify individual students who need additional support, and inform classroom lectures.

    • Results feed directly to the MyHVACLab gradebook, which offers a number of flexible grading options, including exporting grades to a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

  • Section 1 Fundamentals
  • Section 2 HVACR Science
  • Section 3 Refrigeration Systems and Components
  • Section 4 Refrigeration Practices
  • Section 5 HVACR Electrical Systems and Components
  • Section 6 Air-Conditioning Systems
  • Section 7 Heating Systems
  • Section 8 Heat Pump Systems
  • Section 9 System Design, Sizing, and Layout
  • Section 10 Commercial Environmental Systems
  • Section 11 Commercial Refrigeration Systems
  • Section 12 Installation, Maintenance, Service,and Troubleshooting

Carter Stanfield grew up in the air conditioning business. His family still owns and operates Stanfield Air Systems in Athens, Georgia. He has taught Air Conditioning Technology at Athens Technical College for over 40 years. He writes the blog hvacrfundamentals and is co-author of Fundamentals of HVACR, published by Pearson. Mr. Stanfield’s industry credentials include RSES CMS, NATE Certification, and a state of Georgia unrestricted Conditioned Air Contracting License. He earned a BS Ed Degree in Technical Education from the University of Georgia, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. Mr. Stanfield is a frequent guest speaker at regional and national conventions for HVACR educators.

David Skaves, P.E., has been a faculty member at the Maine Maritime Academy since 1986 and received the Teaching Excellence award at the college in 2006. His career background includes employment as a marine engineer on supertankers in the merchant marine, a production planner at Maine’s Bath Iron Works Shipbuilding, and an engineering consultant for combined cycle power plant performance

testing throughout the United States as well as in Mexico and South America. In addition to his MBA from the University of Maine at Orono, Professor Skaves is a registered professional engineer, licensed first-class stationary engineer, and licensed marine chief engineer. He is currently a member of ASHRAE and AFE.

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