English Simplified, Canadian Edition, 5th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (February 28, 2014) © 2015

  • Blanche Ellsworth San Franciso State University
  • John A. Higgins Emeritus, York College, City University of New York
  • Arnold Keller University of Victoria



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English Simplified, at only 80 pages, is a concise, inexpensive grammar handbook that covers grammar usage, paragraphs, essays, and research and documentation.

English Simplified has long been the choice of instructors searching for a brief, inexpensive, easy-to-use handbook. It provides coverage of key topics including grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling, and word choice, as well as the latest updates on documentation style, and material on note-taking, source evaluation, and avoiding plagiarism.

Hallmark Features

  • A concise, quick and handy reference for grammar rules that students can afford in addition to any other assigned textbooks or as a stand-alone resource.
  • An emphasis on electronic research and writing, with thorough coverage of note-taking, evaluating sources, and avoiding plagiarism that reflects current classroom trends.
  • ESL Tips on prepositions, verb forms, articles and determiners, dependent clauses, subject-verb agreement, and other topics support students whose first language is not English.
  • Emphasis on the 3 most common sentence-level errors helps students avoid the most common grammatical pitfalls–comma splices, fused sentences, and fragments.
  • An emphasis on clear writing, which is the focus of the dozens of new examples on fixing unclear pronoun reference, unclear modifiers, illogical or confused sentence construction, omitted needed words, and confusing use of commas, apostrophes, and hyphens. New sections cover cluttered sentences, buried subjects, possessives with understood nouns, overuse of negatives, excessive punctuation, and exaggerated or needless modifiers (awesome, totally, etc.).

New and updated features of this title

  • Refinements and additions to coverage of clarity in writing–both in Part 4 and throughout the text–will help students to be clear, concise, and correct.
  • New real-life examples of unclear prose that underscore the importance of clarity.
  • Updated information on identifying and avoiding plagiarism including examples of acceptable and unacceptable paraphrases.
  • Checklists for editing and proofreading.
  • Part 5 also includes new examples of paragraph, essay, and research paper development that help students further understand the importance of proper editing and proofreading.
Part 1 (Sections 101-130): Sentences and Grammar
104-110Parts of Speech: Survey
111-112Using Nouns
113-118Using Verbs
119-120Using Adjectives and Adverbs
121-123Using Pronouns
124-125 Recognizing Phrases, Clauses
128-130Clear, Effective Sentences

Part 2 (Sections 201-227): Punctuation
201-203Comma [,]
204-205Period [.]
206-207Question Mark [?]
208-209Exclamation Point [!]
210Semicolon [;]
211-213Apostrophe [‘]
214Italics (underlining)
215-219Quotation Marks [“”]
220-221Colon [:]
223-224Parentheses [( )]
225Brackets {[ ]}
226Hyphen [-]
227Slash [/]

Part 3 (Sections 301-313): Mechanics, with Spelling

Part 4 (Sections 401-404): Word Choice
401 Conciseness, clarity, originality
402Standard, Appropriate English
403Nondiscriminatory Terms
404Similar Words Often confused

Part 5 (sections 501-510): Paragraphs and Papers
501 Manuscript Form
504Netiquette Guidelines
507-510Research Papers

Quick locator

ESL Writers May Wish to Review the Following Sections:
115BIrregular Verb Forms
116Tense and Other Verb Forms
117A Note on Infinitives
120Articles and Determiners
125BKinds of Dependent Clauses
401ADouble Negatives, Double Subjects, Double that’s
403Nonsexist Terms
502Paragraph Length
503CTransitional Expression
508B Avoiding Plagiarism

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