Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, Canadian Edition, 6th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (February 19, 2021) © 2022

  • John A. Van de Walle Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Karen S. Karp Johns Hopkins University
  • Jennifer M. Bay-Williams University of Louisville
  • Lynn M. McGarvey University of Alberta



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All students can learn mathematics with understanding. It is through the teacher's actions, a positive classroom environment, and by allowing students to develop their own strategies and learn from others that every student can have success and develop confidence in their abilities. We want students to see the connections among mathematical topics and the real world, value mathematics that is all around them, and feel empowered to use it.

The text covers concepts and procedures specific to mathematical topics encountered in grades K—8, using real experiences and assessment techniques to address the foundations of how children learn. The previous edition's focus on teaching through problem solving now takes a broader focus on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse.

Hallmark Learning Features

  • Big Ideas. Much of the research and literature espousing a student-centered approach suggests that teachers plan their instruction around big ideas rather than isolated skills or concepts. At the beginning of each chapter in Part II, you will find a list of the big mathematical ideas associated with the chapter. Teachers find these lists helpful to quickly envision the mathematics they are to teach.
  • Mathematics Curriculum Connections. These figures at the beginning of each content chapter highlight the key ideas in the topic and the approximately grade level they appear in curriculum across Canada.
  • Adaptations for Students with Difficulties and English Learners. Chapter 6 provides some background and strategies for how to support diverse learners, but many adaptations are specific to an activity or task. Therefore, Part II chapters offer differentiation strategies within activities (look for the icon) that can meet the needs of students with difficulties and English learners.
  • Literature Connections. Here you will find examples of great children's literature for launching into the mathematics concepts in the chapter just read. For each title suggested, there is a brief description of how the mathematics concepts in the chapter can be connected to the story. These literature-based mathematics activities will help you engage students in interesting contexts for doing mathematics. Children's literature is also identified with an asterisk in the list of references for each chapter at the end of the text.
  • Formative Assessment Notes. Assessment is an integral process within instruction. Similarly, it makes sense to think about what to be listening for (assessing) as you read about different areas of content development. Throughout the content chapters, there are formative assessment notes with brief descriptions of ways to assess the topic in that section. Reading these assessment notes as you read the text can help you understand how best to assist students who struggle.
  • Technology Notes. Infusing technological tools is important in learning mathematics. We have infused technology notes throughout Part II. A technology icon is used to identify places within the text or activity where a technology idea or resource is discussed. Descriptions include open-source (free)soft-ware, applets, and other Web-based resources, as well as ideas for calculator use.
  • Video examples. Embedded throughout all chapters, these examples allow you to see key concepts in action through authentic classroom video, as well as clips of children solving math problems. Additional videos feature experts introducing and briefly explaining strategies for teaching important topics.

The following are highlights of the most significant changes in the fifth Canadian edition.

Learner Outcomes. Each chapter now begins with a set of learner outcomes. The outcomes are intended to provide a summary of the organization and content of each chapter, as well as the knowledge, skills, and expectations readers should attend to in the course of completing the chapter readings, activities and reflections. Note that learner outcomes are not a matter of recalling information, but involve a wide range of actions such as exploring, describing, investigating, connecting, critiquing, explaining, analyzing, demonstrating, justifying, summarizing, and so on.

Canadian Curriculum Update. Provincial governments tend to revise or update their mathematics curriculum every five to ten years. Since the last edition of this textbook, only the Ontario mathematics curriculum has been revised. In the summer of 2020, Ontario Ministry of Education revealed a new mathematics curriculum for grades 1 to 8. Similar to British Columbia, the Ontario curriculum now includes financial literacy as a topic. It also includes new expectations in mathematical modelling and coding. These changes are addressed in multiple ways throughout the sixth Canadian edition. Revisions were made to the overview of curriculum across Canada in Chapter 1 and to the Mathematics Curriculum Connections snapshots at the beginning of each content chapter. Chapter specific changes described in more detail below include attention to mathematical modelling, coding, and financial literacy.

Common Concerns and How to Help. Every chapter in Part II offers a table that summarizes common difficulties students encounter in learning that topic. The table includes the common concerns for that topic, provides an ex-ample of what that might look like in either a sample of student work or a statement, and then offers some brief ideas of what you might do to help. Knowing common student difficulties is a critical part of planning and can greatly influence how a lesson is structured and what problems you select. Research from many sources has been merged into these practical references.

Infusion of Technology. You may notice that Chapter 7 Tools for Learning Mathematics from the previous edition is gone. Readers and reviewers have commented that this chapter is no longer needed, in part be-cause discussing tools and technology is more helpful in context and when applied to specific tasks and problems.

  1. Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century
  2. Exploring What It Means to Know and Do Mathematics
  3. Teaching through Problem Solving
  4. Planning in the Problem-Based Classroom
  5. Creating Assessments for Learning
  6. Teaching Mathematics Equitably to All Students
  7. Developing Early Number Concepts and Number Sense
  8. Developing Meanings for the Operations
  9. Developing Basic Fact Fluency
  10. Developing Whole-Number Place-Value Concepts
  11. Developing Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Computation
  12. Developing Strategies for Multiplication and Division Computation
  13. Algebraic Thinking, Equations, and Functions
  14. Developing Fraction Concepts
  15. Developing Fraction Operations
  16. Developing Decimal and Percent Concepts and Decimal Computation
  17. Ratios, Proportions, and Proportional Reasoning
  18. Developing Measurement Concepts
  19. Developing Geometric Thinking and Geometric Concepts
  20. Developing Concepts of Data and Statistics
  21. Exploring Concepts of Probability
  22. Developing Concepts of Exponents, Integers, and Real Numbers

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