Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: An Introduction, 9th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (August 1, 2021) © 2021

  • William O'Grady University of Hawaii, Manoa
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Although Contemporary Linguistic Analysis has the distinction of being the first linguistics textbook designed primarily for a Canadian readership, it seeks to do much more than simply provide coverage of linguistic phenomena peculiar to Canada. As the title suggests, we have attempted an introduction to linguistic analysis as it is practised at this stage in the development of our discipline. While we do not ignore or reject other fruitful approaches to linguistics, we have taken the generative paradigm as basic for two reasons. First, generative linguistics provides a relatively coherent and integrated approach to basic linguistic phenomena. Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics are viewed within this framework, as perhaps in no other, as fully integrated and interrelated. Second, the generative approach has been widely influential in its application to a broad range of other linguistic phenomena over the past several decades, including the study of first and second language learning, historical linguistics, typology, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics.

  1. Language: a preview
  2. Phonetics: the sounds of language
  3. Phonology: contrasts and patterns
  4. Morphology: the analysis of word structure
  5. Syntax: the analysis of sentence structure
  6. Semantics: the study of meaning
  7. The classification of languages
  8. Historical linguistics: the study of language change
  9. Indigenous languages in Canada
  10. First language acquisition
  11. Second language acquisition
  12. Bilingualism and bilingual acquisition
  13. Psycholinguistics: the study of language processing
  14. Brain and language
  15. Language in social contexts
  16. Writing and language

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