Construction Planning and Scheduling, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (February 18, 2011) © 2010

  • Jimmie W. Hinze University of Florida



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For courses in Construction Planning and Scheduling and Construction Management.

Construction Planning and Scheduling, Fourth Edition offers broad coverage of all major scheduling subjects. This comprehensive resource is designed for construction management, planning and scheduling. It follows a logical progression, introducing precedence diagramming early and following with chapters on activity durations, resource allocations, network schedules, and more. It reflects current trends in scheduling (short-interval scheduling, computer scheduling, linear scheduling etc.) and includes chapters on arrow diagramming and PERT. With an eye on application, it includes a unique discussion of contract provisions related to scheduling and incorporates a sample project throughout.

Hallmark Features:

Broad coverage on all major scheduling subjects–makes this an excellent reference for all.

  • Provides a straightforward and comprehensive introduction to the field by covering topics related to planning, resource allocation, project monitoring and more!

A major emphasis on precedence diagramming–is a hallmark of the text.

  • Introduces precedence diagramming in Chapter 3 so readers get a firm understanding of this common planning practice.

A chapter devoted to arrow diagramming–appears as Chapter 16.

  • Rounds out coverage by showing how to perform time calculations with arrow diagrams, represent the relationships between various tasks, understand the concepts of free float/total float and more!

Unique discussion of contract provisions related to scheduling–appears as Chapter 5.

  • Offers coverage not found in competing books.
  • Discusses contract issues such as units of time (working days or calendar days), liquidated damages, weather, notice of delays, extension of time etc.

Coverage of short-interval scheduling–appears in Chapter 13.

  • Discusses how contractors use short-interval schedules and what the literature reveals about why this is vital to the successful completion of many construction projects. 

A chapter focused on linear scheduling–appears as Chapter 14.

  • Provides examples of two projects completed using this method: a state park walkway and a 500 tract housing unit.
  • Discusses this relatively new scheduling technique and when it can be used in the construction industry.

The sports facility project–is introduced in Chapter 1 and referenced throughout the text.

  • Provides a common reference point to help readers apply chapter material to a concrete example.

1.    Introduction

2.    Developing a Network Model

3.    Precedence Diagrams

4.    Determining Activity Durations

5.    Time in Contract Provisions

6.    Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling

7.    Money and Network Schedules

8.    Project Monitoring and Control

9.    Computer Scheduling

10.  Earned Value: A Means for Integrating Costs and Schedule

11.  The Impact of Scheduling Decisions on Productivity

12.  CPM In Dispute Resolution and Litigation

13.  Short-Interval Schedules

14.  Linear Scheduling

15.  PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique

16.  Arrow Diagrams






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