Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice that Enhance Student Learning and Motivation, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (May 22, 2023) © 2024

  • James H. McMillan Virginia Commonwealth University
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Classroom Assessment presents classroom assessment principles in a non-technical, engaging way where you learn and practice skills as you read. It draws on new research and technologies to show how to effectively use classroom assessment to improve student learning and motivation. Practical examples, suggestions and case studies demonstrate real-world strategies and techniques.

The 8th Edition integrates equity and cultural relevance in every chapter, with more coverage of sociocognitive and sociocultural tenets of learning and motivation as well as responsive assessment practices. New vignettes, written by K through 12 National Board-Certified teachers, show first-hand how to apply effective assessment to real classroom situations.

  1. The Role of Assessment in Teaching and Learning
  2. Standards and Cognitive Learning Targets
  3. High-Quality Classroom Assessment
  4. Informal/Embedded Formative Assessment
  5. Formal Formative Assessment
  6. Planning and Implementing Summative Classroom Assessments
  7. Using Large-Scale Standards-Based, Growth and Other Standardized Tests
  8. Selected-Response Assessment: Multiple-Choice, Binary-Choice, Matching, and Interpretive Items
  9. Constructed-Response Assessment: Completion, Short-Answer, and Essay Items
  10. Performance Assessment: Projects, Papers and Presentations
  11. Portfolios: Paper and Digital
  12. Assessing Social and Intrapersonal Dispositions and Skills
  13. Assessment for Students with Disabilities and Exceptionalities
  14. Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Assessment
  15. Grading and Reporting Student Performance 


  1. Fundamental Descriptive Statistics and Scaled Scores
  2. Example of Student Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  3. Self-Instructional Review Exercise Answers

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