Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right - Using It Well, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (February 22, 2021) © 2020

  • Jan Chappuis Pearson Assessment Training Institute
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Classroom Assessment for Student Learning helps you learn how to gather accurate information about students' performance. This user-friendly guide is full of practical tips, activities and real-world examples of how assessment for learning looks in today's classrooms. The text will help you understand how to use the assessment process and its results to improve your students' achievement.

The 3rd Edition better emphasizes the formative use of classroom assessment results. New My Classroom Then and Now and From the Classroom features present anecdotes from classroom teachers that illustrate how the specific assessment practices taught in this text have changed students' attitudes and approaches to learning.

1. Understanding Assessment's Role in Learning
2. Establishing Purpose: Assessment for and of Learning
3. Defining the Intended Learning
4. Planning the Assessment: Sound Design
5. Designing and Using a Selected Response Assessment
6. Designing and Using a Written Response Assessment
7. Designing and Using a Performance Assessment
8. Using Personal Communication as an Assessment Method
9. Deriving Accurate, Fair, and Defensible Grades
10. Students Tracking and Reflecting on Their Own Learning
11. Conferencing with and About Students

Appendix A: Assessing Dispositions
Appendix B: Professional Development with the Text

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